Yeah, heros in dota build a gg branch nearly 100% of the time - It needs nerfing.
Yeah, and then sell it back (or build it into something else). Besides, the cost of the branch is literally equivalent to a potion in League of Legends. Nowhere did I complain about people buying potions in my previous post, because it's a consumable. For all intents and purposes, GG branches are a consumable. Consumables have very little value past the early game.
99% of the time a team will have a mek - It needs nerfing.
98% of the time a team will have a donkey - It needs nerfing .
See, that line of logic doesnt actually follow.
In this part you're either misrepresenting what I said accidentally or on purpose.
For example, I said that it's not uncommon to see 40% of people in a game to build BORK, so 40% is 4/10 people. That's quite a bit. Now Flash is 92%, so typically you'll see it on 9/10 people in a game, occasionally more.
You're now twisting my argument to say that because 2/10 people in a game buy a Mek and a Donkey (by using the word "team"), I'm calling it imbalanced. I'm sorry, but if 20% of people in a game buy an item, it's probably not imbalanced, nor did I say it is. You misrepresented my argument to make it look like that.
100% of the people in the game buy boots - Does that mean boots should get nerfed? (apparently riot thought so, because they nerfed them pretty damn hard)
Now wait a minute, which boots are we talking about here? There are lots of boots. You can build Mercury Treads, Ninja Tabi, Gank Boots, Speed Boots, Bezerker Greaves, CDR Boots, etc. Just because they all have the word "boots" attached to them, and all give movespeed, doesn't mean everyone is building the same thing. If everyone in the game ONLY built Mercury Treads, then you would have an argument, and for a long time, Mercury Treads WERE the best boot by far. Fortunately, they've been nerfed several times to the point that they're pretty balanced with the rest of them, so many different types of boots are used.
To say that all the boots can simply be categorized as the same item, is the same as saying that Randuin's Omen, Sunfire Cape, and Warmog's can all be categorized as the same item, because they all give health. Yes, they give health, but they also do vastly different things in addition to that.
On the topic of BKB in DotA: 1. It isn't good on everybody, and not everybody builds it. 2. It gets worse everytime you use it, so it's a pretty poor investment in the long-term. 3. There are item counters to it as you said.
It's a core item on carries the way that Infinity Edge is a core item in LoL, you may see 2/10-4/10 people building it every game. Sometimes more, sometimes less, depending. Seems relatively balanced, and it doesn't overpower the other options (such as Barrier Idol, Linken's, or Blademail) which do similar things in different ways. The reason I take issue with Blade of the Ruined King in its current state is that it seems to overpower the other options, even on non-ADCs, and people who generally shouldn't even benefit from it (I've seen it on Eve and Pantheon for example).
That weight is actually a pretty big burden, when your only defense is a 300 range blink, that likely wont save you anyway.
You're simply fooling yourself if you think this is the case.
Flash is used MUCH more to escape a gank than to secure a kill and that is a STATISTICAL FACT. Maybe in lower-tier LoL where nobody has any map awareness, Flash won't save you from a gank, but in professional games, you literally have to burn Flash, most of the time, before you can even create a successful gank. This is why you often see competitive League of Legends games that have 4 kills by 20 minutes; this is a very common occurrence. Flash rewards bad positioning, this is why everybody takes it. Without Flash, if you get caught, you're probably dead. With Flash, if you get caught, your survival chances increase dramatically, especially if you have a tower near. The fact that you have to gank a person twice in lane, once to burn Flash, then again to kill them, is absolutely ridiculous. It is a mechanic that needs to be removed from the game, and the fact that 92% of people take it (and I'm not talking TEAMS here, I'm talking individual PLAYERS) is proof of that. You give me another item or Summoner Spell in the game that is taken 92% of the time (and kept all game, not upgraded, sold, consumed, or turned into anything else) and I will shut up.