I found something that might help new Solforge players.
There are two promo codes that give 5 booster packs each. These packs are redeemable on any account you create.
In order to redeem your free packs go to thhis website and enter the code:
http://solforgegame.com/redeem/You have to log-in/register before of course. I tried the codes myself and they work.
These are basic booster packs, meaning they contain cards of any set currently released.
The chance to get a legendary in a booster pack is 10% so you can except to get at least one (still might get none but in my experience you rather get two then none). There is also a 50% chance on getting a heroic card in each pack, so except around 4-6 heroics.
Each pack contains 6 cards, so have a starting set of 60 free cards.
In Solforge you build decks out of 30 cards. Most cards (but not all, more to that later) have three levels. No matter what card you get from a pack, you always get all three levels of that card. In a match both players dra 5 cards each turn and at the end of their turn they discard all cards to draw five new cards. You can play up to two cards each turn. You may also discard a card instead of playing it. Playing or discarding a card levels this card up and places the level up version into the discard pile. You might have noticed that at the rate of drawing new cards you will soon empty your deck. However, after four turns each player shuffles their discard pile back into their deck. This allows you to drawnow the leveled up versions of your cards. Leveled up versions are stronger or get new effects. Some cards migth even change entirely.
There are two types of cards int he game, creatures and spells. Creatures are placed in the lanes and stay there until they die. There are only five lanes in the game on both sides of the table. You and your opponent play creatures in their lane and creatures in opposing lanes battle after each turn. Creatures are defined with attack and health, attack is the value that a creature decreases from the opposing creature's health or, if there is none, to the enemy player's health.
Spells have different effects that affect players or creatures, they can modify the values of creatues or destroy them, they can also modify the health of both players or give them special effects. Most spells target only creatures at specific levels, a level 1 spell for example can most of the time only target level 1 creatures. Higher levels allow to target higher level creatures.
The goal is to decrease the hp of the opponent to zero, there is no other win condition (except if one player quits the match).
There are multiple special abilities and effects that creatures and spells can make use of, here are some prominenent examples in the game:
Armor: Reduces the first incoming damage about the value the armor has at each turn for each player individually (so it reduces the damage on your turn and then again on the opponent's turn).
Mobility: Allows you to move the creature around the lanes.
Upgrade: If you play this creature on another creature (and replacing it) it gets additional effects.
Poison: Deals damage equal to its value towards the player or creature at each turn individually.
Aggressive: Battles whenever it can, even in the round summoned. Negates defender.
Defender: Does not battle unless the oppossing monster initiates a battle.
Breakthrough: Damge that exceeds the health of the oppsing creature damages the enemy player.
Regenerate: Heals damage equal to the value of regenerate each turn individualy.
There are of course a lot more abilities but you can except to see these the most time.
In Solforge you have to plan ahead and think about what cards you need levelel up more in the upcoming rounds.
If you have any questions about the game and need more information I can help you out. I've playing this game since the earliest alpha stage and know everythign there is to know. I can also give you information about the current Meta if you want if you have soem basic information and grasp about the basic concept.