General Category > Tidalis

Technical differences from AI Wars, and Linux support?

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Since Tidalis on the Unity engine will run in wine, do you expect that AI War will also work in wine once you change to the Unity engine?

I'd love to be able to play it on my laptop, and I don't have a lot of ram, and find Linux performs better in this circumstance.


--- Quote from: Buttons840 on May 07, 2010, 11:40:21 am ---Since Tidalis on the Unity engine will run in wine, do you expect that AI War will also work in wine once you change to the Unity engine?
--- End quote ---

100% definitely, with no differences in terms of support.

--- Quote from: Buttons840 on May 07, 2010, 11:40:21 am ---I'd love to be able to play it on my laptop, and I don't have a lot of ram, and find Linux performs better in this circumstance.

--- End quote ---

Whether or not the WINE overhead (if there is any) will make a difference in terms of performance versus on native Windows is something I don't know, but I that's something that AI War would be more sensitive to since it uses more CPU/RAM than Tidalis.  So the support will be the same, but if there was a "performance tax" for WINE, it would show up more in AI War than Tidalis.  That would be the only difference between support for the two programs in WINE, so far as I know.

Good, at least it will be possible.  Tidalis ran well enough with the generic wine package I grabbed from the repos.  So even if AI Wars is a little slow, there may be some additional wine configuration which could help.

Nice to hear!


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