Thanks for the detailed write-up, Chris. That must've been really tough to write. I don't really know what else to say. You made a kick-ass game, probably the most well received since AI War, and you had what seemed like a pretty good promotion lined up with the Humble folks, but things just didn't work out as expected. The whole Humble thing probably turned out to be a bit of a curveball. Without the pressure to get the game out for that promotion you could probably have put one or two more weeks into doing some more traditional marketing before launch. Hey, that's a gamble I would've taken, too, though. I'd also like to echo some thoughts that Misery made, working on this game for the last couple of weeks for myself has been amazing. I knew when this game was first announced that I was going to try and help as much as possible with testing and stuff, because I thought that it had the potential to become a dream game (at least for myself!). To actually have been contracted to work on it, if only for a few weeks, was like a dream come true. Thanks for that!
As for the future, I will still be working on the game on a volunteer basis, of course, in conjunction with all the amazing modders on the forum who have already provided some fantastic content, in order to keep making the game even more kick-ass. Hopefully in time we can grow the fanbase as people start realizing how much fun the game is.