Author Topic: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition  (Read 56718 times)

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #105 on: August 16, 2012, 10:02:25 pm »
Breaking the DoTA LoL debate. Have any of you tried awesomenauts? It sounds fairly awesome, speaking as a non-Moba lover of 2D platforming games.
I'm also interested to know how that is.  The trailers were both good enough to motivate me to want a copy now, and containing enough lightning/etc type visual effects to not get one because I couldn't play it with my wife (for whom those kinds of visual effects are a migraine-trigger).
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Offline Coppermantis

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #106 on: August 16, 2012, 10:23:32 pm »
TotalBiscuit gave it a pretty favorable review, so it may be worth checking out. From what I've seen personally it looks like a unique  and fun take on the MOBA genre.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 10:25:32 pm by Coppermantis »
I can already tell this is going to be a roller coaster ride of disappointment.

Offline LaughingThesaurus

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #107 on: August 16, 2012, 11:08:05 pm »
TotalBiscuit has rated it favorably, and the Yogscast have played a match and uploaded it to youtube as well. Xephos and Honeydew, to be more specific. BlueXephos, to be even more specific.
I want Awesomenauts just because it looks well... pretty cool.

Offline Mánagarmr

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #108 on: August 17, 2012, 01:44:21 am »
I don't play MOBA games for two reasons:

1. The expectation from the rest of the player base that I'm some kind of demigod capable of doing everything exactly right, in spite of picking the game up today.
2. Said playerbase going absolutely apeshit when I do something wrong, pick the "wrong" champion (WTF?) or similar and screaming the most distasteful crap I have ever seen in my gaming career.

I stick to playing Demigod (MOBA game from the Supreme Commander guys) with friends and bots. I won't touch ANY other MOBA game with a 50 ft pole. The community is absolutely horrible.
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Offline Lancefighter

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #109 on: August 17, 2012, 01:59:54 am »
Demigod? is that anything like Smite? >_>

Anyway, sadly, at my point in league, i actually am almost a demigod capable of doing almost everything pretty much right. But thats because I've spent a retardedly long time playing league..

Even still, now I dont play league without my 5man team. It just isnt fun to play with pubs. I really avoid playing dota without at least some of this group, as its just really not fun to deal with people on my team that are retarded
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Offline Mánagarmr

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #110 on: August 17, 2012, 02:22:03 am »
Demigod is the least complicated and advanced of the MOBA games. Smite is simply LoL in a third person perspective. Demigod is different in every way. You have creep upgrades, tower upgrades, flags to hold and a limited number of "champions" (Demigods) and several maps. Demigod did some genuine innovation on the MOBA genre while most other games just copied DotA.

That being said, Demigod is probably not gonna be liked by a hardcore MOBA fan, and the netcode is absolutely awful and the support is nonexistant. It's a "play with friends" game. It could've become something, but the netcode issues killed the online community at launch and the lack of support made sure it stayed dead. It got a very short resurgance when it launched on Steam, but quickly became dead again. Now there's maybe 1-2 custom games going at any time, compared to maybe 30 in its heyday.
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Offline Wingflier

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #111 on: August 17, 2012, 04:58:00 am »
Chris Taylor game, to be expected.

Lancefighter if you feel you've reached your peak in LoL, come on over to DotA 2. If you reach your peak there I'll eat my thing on your foot ;D
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 05:19:12 am by Wingflier »
"Inner peace is the void of expectation. It is the absence of our shared desperation to feel a certain way."

Offline Mánagarmr

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #112 on: August 17, 2012, 05:17:38 am »
Chris Taylor game, to be expected.
Unfortunately, yes. Chris has the best ideas that often come to full frutition in a horrible state. SupCom was fun, but badly optimized and heavily favoured a turtle playstyle. This was however fixed in Forged Alliance.

Demigod didn't really suffer much gameplay wise on launch but the netcode issues killed it, and the lack of a quick fix left the game in shambles. The balance and bugfix patches came too late to save the game. It's still arseloads of fun with friends and with a third party AI and some bugfix/balance mods it's a great game. It's just...dead :P
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Offline Minotaar

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #113 on: August 17, 2012, 08:17:49 am »
Hmm, I wonder if we should make a Dota2 team on these here forums  :)  I remember playing clanwars several years ago VERY fondly, but just can't bring myself to play pubs now. Last 5 games of dota2 I played had early leavers in all 5 (gratuitous berating is a given, of course), there's just no way to reliably get a good game alone.

Offline zebramatt

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #114 on: August 17, 2012, 09:13:27 am »
Breaking the DoTA LoL debate. Have any of you tried awesomenauts? It sounds fairly awesome, speaking as a non-Moba lover of 2D platforming games.
I'm also interested to know how that is.  The trailers were both good enough to motivate me to want a copy now, and containing enough lightning/etc type visual effects to not get one because I couldn't play it with my wife (for whom those kinds of visual effects are a migraine-trigger).

I was seconds from buying Awesomenauts after the trailer, then I realised it was a MOBA...

I very nearly bought the soundtrack on its own regardless, mind you.

Offline Mánagarmr

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #115 on: August 17, 2012, 09:15:04 am »
and containing enough lightning/etc type visual effects to not get one because I couldn't play it with my wife (for whom those kinds of visual effects are a migraine-trigger).
Ouch! I have migraines myself, but it's "thankfully" triggered by lack of proper sleep, nutrition or excess stress. Only really bright light (such as very sunny days or winter sun) can trigger migraines for me.
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Offline zebramatt

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #116 on: August 17, 2012, 09:17:42 am »
I never get enough sleep and always get too much stress so I have to make sure I eat regular or man, it's Migraine City.

Offline zespri

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #117 on: August 17, 2012, 11:52:29 am »
Demigod didn't really suffer much gameplay wise on launch but the netcode issues killed it, and the lack of a quick fix left the game in shambles. The balance and bugfix patches came too late to save the game. It's still arseloads of fun with friends and with a third party AI and some bugfix/balance mods it's a great game. It's just...dead :P
Demigod somehow was the only dota-like game I could tolerate. Maybe it was *because* of its failure. You see, I'm direct opposite to a competitive player, so I enjoyed it with bots and as coop with friends against bots in the very beginning.

Offline Mánagarmr

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #118 on: August 17, 2012, 12:47:49 pm »
Honestly, Demigod with the Balance Mod, Uberfix Mod and the community AI it's very enjoyable even in "single player". Add in the UI mods for extra flavor.
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Offline Lancefighter

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Re: League vs Dota Megabrawl: Arcen Games Edition
« Reply #119 on: August 17, 2012, 01:18:52 pm »
Chris Taylor game, to be expected.

Lancefighter if you feel you've reached your peak in LoL, come on over to DotA 2. If you reach your peak there I'll eat my thing on your foot ;D

I'm trying.. its just way too difficult to play pub games. the community is absolutely terrible, like i said.
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Author of the Dyson Project and the Spire Gambit