Author Topic: Hearthstone  (Read 55014 times)

Offline Wingflier

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #195 on: June 19, 2016, 07:36:25 pm »
They don't have a problem with players creating multiple accounts to support a main?
I don't know if they do or not, or furthermore how they would go about verifying such a thing. The referral system was just created a few days ago so, who knows. I'll keep using it as long as I can!

Thanks a lot for that list, it's very helpful.
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Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #196 on: June 20, 2016, 11:11:25 am »
do you fellows have a particular favourite faction?
personally as I'm sure you've noticed I've been playing pretty much just abyssians and having a blast I really need to do something properly with the other factions particularly the one with lion heart in it(I cant remember its name) I realy liked some of the minions in it like the 3.2-3 that activate twice a turn that seems really handy
I have been playing a bit of blood wing though I don't really have any cards for that faction so its not that different to my lionheart deck.

Offline Wingflier

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #197 on: June 20, 2016, 12:09:13 pm »
Ugh I have so many favorites. It's hard to decide. Honestly if I had just stuck with one and put all my dust into it, I'd probably have all their legendaries and epic cards unlocked by now, but I can't stick with any long enough to do that.

I love Lyonar for their epic heal combos, though admittedly, that requires some of the harder to obtain epic cards to pull off to full effect. Still, it's beautiful when it works. High HP minions with healing to keep them alive, while doing damage to enemies simultaneously. Then of course Divine Bond to deal the killing blow of sometimes 15 or more damage easily.

I like Magmar just because of the value of their units. It's not enough that there's a 4/5 Veteran Silithar on the board, but you've gotta kill it TWICE or it'll respawn. Even the 2/3 Young Silithar is annoying in that way. Spirit Harvester is just the Abyssian ender, dealing 1 damage to minions each turn and having great stats to boot. Makantor Warbeast, a 4/4 with Frenzy AND Rush is simply game-ending strong, nothing much else to say about it. Silithar Elder of course being an 8/8 which can respawn, but also summons a copy of itself each turn, which summons a copy of itself, which summons a copy of itself...if your opponent doesn't deal with this quickly, it's soon becomes a doomsday scenario. I've summoned one of these on turn 2 before. Needless to say, it was an instant concede.

Of course their new Legendary, the sister known as Earth Sister Taygete is easily the most broken of the bunch. Not much else to say except ouch. Card will probably be nerfed, but for now, it's godmode.

Abyssian is one of my favorites as well. It would be more of a favorite of mine except that everybody seems to like to play it. I'm not super complaining about this though, because if you see it a lot in ladder you can just play Magmar and get free wins. But even though it's overplayed, there are so many cool things about it. The Deathwatch mechanic, the Shadow Creep, a lot of their units are just really neat. Their Legendaries are definitely some of the coolest in the game. The combo potential between so many of their cards...ugh it's all just so disgusting. I'm planning on spending my next ~5000 dust craft an Abyssian Dying Wish Combo deck with Unseven, Vorpal Reaper, Reaper of the Nine Moons, and Dioltas. When it's done I think it's going to be shoot yourself in the face scary.

Right now I have an Lilithe Abyssian deck that kind of hinges around Grailmaster and Dark Sacrifice. The way Grailmaster works is that she's a 7 cost minion who gets more powerful each time you summon a new minion. So playing that card, then doing the mass spawn thing that Abyssian is so good at is pretty much an instant win condition unless they can deal with Grailmaster in a single turn, which is hard to do because I place it on the edge of the map.

I have another Abyssian deck, but this time with Cassyva, which frankly I think is a bit genius. You see, Cassyva is the hero who centers around the use of Shadow Creep, however Shadow Creep by its very nature is a lategame mechanic. You have to build it up over the course of a match for it to be truly effective, and there are only a few minions/cards that can apply it. So you're very limited until the later stages of the battle, after which you start turning the whole board into toxic poop. So to counter-act this early game weakness, I made it a hybrid deck with Shadow Creep and Mechaz0r. So summoning Mechaz0r is the win condition for the early to midgame, which your opponent will be scrambling to stop. However, even if he does somehow stop that, by the lategame you will have usually bought enough time to win with Shadow Creep. It's a pretty nasty combo.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2016, 12:10:46 pm by Wingflier »
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Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #198 on: June 20, 2016, 04:16:35 pm »
good ness long post for sure so ill dilute my response into bullet points

1 that sounds like it could be rather over powered makes me hope net decking isn't a thing in competitive doesn't sound like it is but sure you'll correct me there

2 intresting I might just play magmar some time then when I've had enough of the canar(more on them in a minute) now the elder I presume is an 8 seems like the sort of thing that would be impossible to keep from being rushed down

also fun fact did you know the magmar are the oldest faction in the game lore wise? I've got to page 10 in the codex and there at least a couple hundred years old and not just the faction as a whole since their effectively immortal?

3 yes the abyssal do have a ton of combo potential I don't realy have any of that potential yet asides from shadow watchers/apocalyptic pact/just about any neutral that reacts to summons turns out they work pretty well as a base value deck as well

4 and yes the canar the second oldest faction lore wise and a very fun one as I'm sure you know they are very much about board control the passive is very use full even if your opponent is smart enough to keep his minions out of it for whittling your opponent down
so far I've got their dispel which seems objectively better than the minion variant to me
you've got their airdrop sledgehammer which is more useful than it may seem at first glance because unless hs placing a minion down doesn't mean he's automatically venerable to your opponent force  its rather refreshing really I think theirs the ice wall summing which seems superb to me for board control now I'm sure wingflier has more to say than me on this faction really but I'm loving them.

Offline Wingflier

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #199 on: June 20, 2016, 05:58:05 pm »
1 that sounds like it could be rather over powered makes me hope net decking isn't a thing in competitive doesn't sound like it is but sure you'll correct me there
It's not overpowered, though here's a picture of me doing it in my last game.

That Suntide Maiden started out as a 3/6, so yeah, it got buffed.

The thing is, there are a lot of ways to deal with Lyonar minions. Most of them have taunt so if you just dispel them with any of the game's many dispels, it's pretty devastating. Also, Repulsor Beast is a huge headache for Lyonar because their minions are slowwww, and they have no way to quickly transport them to new places on the battlefield. Many factions have a class ability that allows them to move minions as well, and this can be game ending for Lyonar, who rely on huge, expensive minions with a lot of health and damage to win the game.

Though, for sure the most overpowered and direct counter to Lyonar is this neutral card, Hollow Grovekeeper. Not only does it kill all enemy minions with Frenzy or Provoke in an aoe around it instantly...but doing so *GIVES IT* Frenzy and Provoke. Ouch. Getting hit by one of those as Lyonar is a huge tempo swing, since many of your most powerful minions have Provoke.
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Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #200 on: June 20, 2016, 06:25:49 pm »
1 that sounds like it could be rather over powered makes me hope net decking isn't a thing in competitive doesn't sound like it is but sure you'll correct me there
It's not overpowered, though here's a picture of me doing it in my last game.

That Suntide Maiden started out as a 3/6, so yeah, it got buffed.

The thing is, there are a lot of ways to deal with Lyonar minions. Most of them have taunt so if you just dispel them with any of the game's many dispels, it's pretty devastating. Also, Repulsor Beast is a huge headache for Lyonar because their minions are slowwww, and they have no way to quickly transport them to new places on the battlefield. Many factions have a class ability that allows them to move minions as well, and this can be game ending for Lyonar, who rely on huge, expensive minions with a lot of health and damage to win the game.

Though, for sure the most overpowered and direct counter to Lyonar is this neutral card, Hollow Grovekeeper. Not only does it kill all enemy minions with Frenzy or Provoke in an aoe around it instantly...but doing so *GIVES IT* Frenzy and Provoke. Ouch. Getting hit by one of those as Lyonar is a huge tempo swing, since many of your most powerful minions have Provoke.
hey I never said it was just that it sounded like it could be but grovekeeper seems pretty great even considering how hyper persifick it is btw do you particularly like the canar? the factions growing on me quite a bit particularly the spell dispel.

Offline Wingflier

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #201 on: June 20, 2016, 07:13:51 pm »
As I said, Vanar is one of the easiest starting factions because their basic spells and minions are so powerful. Kara in particular is a great General because her blood born spell makes even mediocre minions good...

I did make the starting deck I posted to the forum Vanar after all.

However, to use the faction to the full extent is one of the most difficult tasks in the game. They are very advanced and hard to play at the highest level.
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Offline TheVampire100

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #202 on: June 20, 2016, 07:37:08 pm »
I currently play most of the time Vetruvian and Abyssian. My tactic is too spam the enmy with disposable creatures (more so in Abyssian than in Vetruvian) and rush the general. I leave minions mostly alone because the enemy general will eventually attack my minions and looses his attack chance. If there is once an enemy minon that I really need to care of, i bind it with provoke.

Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #203 on: June 21, 2016, 06:03:35 am »
As I said, Vanar is one of the easiest starting factions because their basic spells and minions are so powerful. Kara in particular is a great General because her blood born spell makes even mediocre minions good...

I did make the starting deck I posted to the forum Vanar after all.

However, to use the faction to the full extent is one of the most difficult tasks in the game. They are very advanced and hard to play at the highest level.
a yes you did 2 my apologies ill be swapping to kara when I unlock she suits me more than the current one and yes now I see that deck you posted I've got pretty much all of those asides from the general obviously and the dancing blades
I forgot to mention though that the war masters are super sick aren't they?  id prefer it there stat line was reversed but that would probably make them a bit over powered.

Offline Wingflier

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #204 on: June 22, 2016, 10:02:14 am »
I forgot to mention though that the war masters are super sick aren't they?  id prefer it there stat line was reversed but that would probably make them a bit over powered.
Ah yes, Warmaster used to be a 3/3 on both lives, but they felt that was a bit...overpowered. Personally I think it was a nerfed a little too much. If it was a 3/3 on it's first life and a 3/2 on it's second life that would seem a little more fair to me, but to be clear, it's still a pretty dang good card because of how sticky it is.

I finally made it to Diamond!

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Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #205 on: June 22, 2016, 04:48:56 pm »
I forgot to mention though that the war masters are super sick aren't they?  id prefer it there stat line was reversed but that would probably make them a bit over powered.
Ah yes, Warmaster used to be a 3/3 on both lives, but they felt that was a bit...overpowered. Personally I think it was a nerfed a little too much. If it was a 3/3 on it's first life and a 3/2 on it's second life that would seem a little more fair to me, but to be clear, it's still a pretty dang good card because of how sticky it is.

I finally made it to Diamond!

okay a couple of things
1 I think its fine as it at the moment its essentially  a 4 6 for 2 which is already pretty dam good having it be a 3 3 on its first would allow it to trade far to well in my opinion
2 been doing a gauntlet run today first ever in fact and I choose the alternate general for the lionel faction and among other things I got the 5 2 3 that summons two copies of it itself as a battle cry which pisses me of because I want to actually own this card the sky's the limit with this thing when it comes to synergies sadly though my deck is not very  synergistic its not living to its full potential its still great value though

also got a minion that's 3 6 who's zeal allows her to fully heal each turn and she's a 4 cost she's awesome and I love her to bits

I also got the gramother who replaces your hero when she dies(when your hero dies not the legendary) in fact she just saved me in a match against one of the desert bio suit guys
there's a bunch of interesting minions I got but I'm just going to ask about one more and that's the ones that boost the mechazor completion percentage is mechazor an actual card? or is he a unit that gets magically summoned from no were? if he is a card does he need to be in my hand for the percentage boosters to work?.

Offline TheVampire100

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #206 on: June 22, 2016, 04:53:27 pm »
Congratulations!  :D
I never get out of silver but that's okay, I only recently started to play and still haven't many cards. I try to get at least one spirit orb per day, so I get a steady income on cards.

On another note, the season of Chronicles is almost over (Season for June and first season since launch). I think I scored pretty good with what I got. The rate at which you get new cards is lower than in Duelyst but the basic cards in Chronicles are so damn good, you don't need new cards for a long time.

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #207 on: June 24, 2016, 02:24:45 am »
Lol, Sarlac the Eternal is so fun to play in an Abyssian deck. Hilarious XD

Offline Wingflier

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #208 on: June 24, 2016, 11:50:12 am »
Just got my first 7 win streak in Gauntlet, which means I get another free ticket, in addition to a card pack and whatever other rewards. I was beginning to think I was just sh*t at Gauntlet, but I think now it was more of bad luck mixed with inexperience.

After a few more weeks of practice I'll probably write a guide. I really like what Heartharena did for Hearthstone. It's awesome to have the best cards/synergies picked for you, so that you can just play your deck. Unfortunately I think I'm a lot better at deck playing than deck building.

Lol, Sarlac the Eternal is so fun to play in an Abyssian deck. Hilarious XD
Oh did you get that card? Yeah, he may as well be an Abyssian Legendary because he works so well for them and would be kind of silly with any other faction.

2 been doing a gauntlet run today first ever in fact and I choose the alternate general for the lionel faction and among other things I got the 5 2 3 that summons two copies of it itself as a battle cry which pisses me of because I want to actually own this card the sky's the limit with this thing when it comes to synergies sadly though my deck is not very  synergistic its not living to its full potential its still great value though
That's called Ash Mephyt, it works pretty well in Kara decks for that reason. You know if you like it, they're pretty cheap to craft since they're only common.

I also got the gramother who replaces your hero when she dies(when your hero dies not the legendary) in fact she just saved me in a match against one of the desert bio suit guys
Haha you're lucky. I've opened probably 130 packs or more and still haven't gotten that one yet!

I also got the gramother who replaces your hero when she dies(when your hero dies not the legendary) in fact she just saved me in a match against one of the desert bio suit guys
there's a bunch of interesting minions I got but I'm just going to ask about one more and that's the ones that boost the mechazor completion percentage is mechazor an actual card? or is he a unit that gets magically summoned from no were? if he is a card does he need to be in my hand for the percentage boosters to work?.
Yes, Mechaz0r is a card. He is summoned automatically (you choose the space on the board), for free, once you place 5 mechaz0r minion cards. Even better, they don't combine into mechaz0r, so your minion cards stay on the board the way they were, which basically just means you get a free god-tier minion.!
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Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #209 on: June 24, 2016, 12:05:58 pm »
Just got my first 7 win streak in Gauntlet, which means I get another free ticket, in addition to a card pack and whatever other rewards. I was beginning to think I was just sh*t at Gauntlet, but I think now it was more of bad luck mixed with inexperience.

After a few more weeks of practice I'll probably write a guide. I really like what Heartharena did for Hearthstone. It's awesome to have the best cards/synergies picked for you, so that you can just play your deck. Unfortunately I think I'm a lot better at deck playing than deck building.

Lol, Sarlac the Eternal is so fun to play in an Abyssian deck. Hilarious XD
Oh did you get that card? Yeah, he may as well be an Abyssian Legendary because he works so well for them and would be kind of silly with any other faction.

2 been doing a gauntlet run today first ever in fact and I choose the alternate general for the lionel faction and among other things I got the 5 2 3 that summons two copies of it itself as a battle cry which pisses me of because I want to actually own this card the sky's the limit with this thing when it comes to synergies sadly though my deck is not very  synergistic its not living to its full potential its still great value though
That's called Ash Mephyt, it works pretty well in Kara decks for that reason. You know if you like it, they're pretty cheap to craft since they're only common.

I also got the gramother who replaces your hero when she dies(when your hero dies not the legendary) in fact she just saved me in a match against one of the desert bio suit guys
Haha you're lucky. I've opened probably 130 packs or more and still haven't gotten that one yet!

I also got the gramother who replaces your hero when she dies(when your hero dies not the legendary) in fact she just saved me in a match against one of the desert bio suit guys
there's a bunch of interesting minions I got but I'm just going to ask about one more and that's the ones that boost the mechazor completion percentage is mechazor an actual card? or is he a unit that gets magically summoned from no were? if he is a card does he need to be in my hand for the percentage boosters to work?.
Yes, Mechaz0r is a card. He is summoned automatically (you choose the space on the board), for free, once you place 5 mechaz0r minion cards. Even better, they don't combine into mechaz0r, so your minion cards stay on the board the way they were, which basically just means you get a free god-tier minion.!
1 I.....yea crafting's something that's been absent from my mind its really something I should do though

2 I that in gauntlet just in case that wasn't clear but she's still sick

3 that's pretty sick it helps that the minions you need for are all good in their own right

4 I got a 2 3 on my first run and then on the second lost twice and then never got back it for what ever reason so ill have to wait till next wends day to continue it assuming it didn't say hug you to me and just make that run non existent
also my name on duleyst is the same as here just for future reference in case I encounter any of you out there.