Author Topic: Multi Threading  (Read 8244 times)

Offline RogueDeus

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Re: Multi Threading
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2011, 12:40:58 am »
I have been a pen and paper gamer since I can remember... I can not tell you how many hours I have spent dreaming up dice mechanics and story lines... But I never got into code, and I have never made full blown PC games. But because of my love for RPG's and the release of Never Winter Nights, I started forcing myself to try... I ended up making several modules that I never finished for NWN I & II. Including some pretty complex scripting (thousands of lines of code). And then for Dragon Age...

It came so easy to me that I fell in love with it. Now I want nothing more then to make games. And I will do everything I can to make it happen. I am a quick study, almost impossibly fast according to most people I know. My only challenge is in finding the information I need when I need it. Assuming I do, I make phenomenal progress at light speed (I stunned the people that helped me with NWN). But usually I don't, and its like hitting the ground at terminal velocity. Everything stops and I am depressed for days or weeks...

I assure you I am not looking for an easy way. I want to do the work. Every 1 and 0 if it wouldn't take an eternity. I just need someone to point me to the information and maybe a small working example. So long as I don't hit a wall, I am a machine.  I promise you, you will not regret helping me out. :) Assuming you choose to.

Here are a few videos I did for a few of my NWN2 modules I never finished.
Tool set Footage

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows." - Epictetus

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Re: Multi Threading
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2011, 12:54:02 am »
No worries, that's not really what I meant -- I wasn't suggesting you weren't up to it.  But I talk with a variety of aspiring indies from time to time, and that's one of my standard disclaimers.  I've talked with a few dozen aspiring indies over the last two years, and I have yet to see one actually finish a game, let alone get to selling it.  I have no doubt that some of them will, but it's a long process.  Etc.

Again not saying anything specific about you or anybody else, but I think it helps to have in mind that even if you are very fast at things it's still a multi-year process generally.  All of the professional indies I know are lightning fast as well, but most of them only put out a game every 1-2 years.  I did AI War 1.0 in 7 months, which was damn fast, and we did Tidalis in about 6.  AVWW is on 8 and counting, and is probably more like a full year for a team of five of us.  Dwarf Fortress has been in progress since 2006 or before, and doesn't have to worry about things like graphics or much in the way of sound/music.

Other games can take less time -- I know a few professional indies that put out 4-5 games per year.  But they have established, fully functional, custom engines that they are just developing new art/stories/puzzles in.  That cuts down on the work substantially, too, although I'm not calling what they do trivial -- at the speed they go, it's an incredible undertaking of a different sort.  But it's more like writing a graphic novel than doing a full game from scratch (and graphic novels are hard enough).

Anyway, so it really varies, but you should plan for a long time to be spent and be pleasantly surprised if it takes less.  Rather than expecting a short time and getting depressed if you don't win the lottery, so to speak.
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Offline RogueDeus

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Re: Multi Threading
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2011, 01:07:16 am »
No I understand completely! I didn't think that I had to prove anything. I am only sharing because you did. Figured I would let you know a bit about my background too is all.

And I am not surprised that most aspiring Indy Devs end up doing nothing. But I assure you, the time you take with me will not be wasted. I have already started a company for tax purposes, RogueDeus Studios LLC in Texas, and also have a forum for communicating with anyone that gets involved in my projects (currently only 2 others).

At the moment I am just listing between potential development tools, and if I can find someone that is willing to give me a quick how-to when necessary (especially someone with your experience) it will make me much more confident in my choice... Which, for now, will be Unity3D. I have already begin scribbling down some extremely toned down plans for a first run attempt at a Unity Game. A simple rogue like with an abstract environment interaction model. Room by room, rather then step by step.

Edit: BTW, I did kinda mention to you a few years ago, after you released AI Wars, that I was going to do this... Well, here I am. Doing it. You are the one that inspired me too BTW. AI Wars was the first Indy Title I bought and made me realize that it could be done, and done well.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2011, 01:45:05 am by RogueDeus »
"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows." - Epictetus

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Re: Multi Threading
« Reply #18 on: September 02, 2011, 08:35:55 am »
All makes sense!  I'm happy to share what I know, but just remember that my experience with Unity is as narrow as I can make it: I know exactly what I need to know to make the sort of games I want, and I ignore the rest.
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