Author Topic: Bugs, or 'failsafe' features?  (Read 1969 times)

Offline LaughingThesaurus

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Bugs, or 'failsafe' features?
« on: September 11, 2012, 02:58:29 pm »
I've encountered a couple issues in playing AVWW (mostly to 'stress test' my computer and its ability to play games or not at the moment). Both happened in one session. I don't really have a save for it or anything, regrettably. They're just spur of the moment things.

So, first thing that happened. I took a secret mission stealth assassination, which I think was in a desert building. I got to the boss, but the boss was just this big red blobby thing that looks like it belongs inside a human body. It also didn't die in approximately a sharp breeze. In fact, it was tougher than any boss I had ever faced up to that point, which is not what stealth assassinations are supposed to do, at least the last that I know of. I heard that this boss was something that the game picks if there are no other valid bosses, as well. Any ideas? Should I be throwing this on mantis?

Second thing that happened, it was in I think an underground desert building, in a basement room. There were explosive espers and nowhere to run to after killing one. So, I fired off a launch rock spell, then dove out the door. I went back in a couple seconds later, and found that I entered the same door and ended up inside of a wall roughly in the middle of the room. Couldn't move, I could cast spells, but that was about it. Spells didn't go anywhere. After 10 seconds or so, I popped out of the wall... conveniently, in a place where I could kill the remaining explosive espers. Maybe at a guess this has something to do with me entering a room while not invulnerable and I would have been touching a damaging thing so it teleported me? I don't really know. I'll give a look for error logs, but otherwise, all I have is my word. The game didn't give me some kind of error message when I teleported into the wall so I don't have much to go on.

Either way, I know a big update's in development at the moment, so if I get some input the worst I'll be doing is putting them on mantis. I just am not quite sure if these happened as a result of failsafes to prevent crazy terrible things from happening, and it was just unintended behavior, or if it was just some crazy bug that nobody else had major issues with.

Offline x4000

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Re: Bugs, or 'failsafe' features?
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2012, 03:02:18 pm »
In terms of the boss that you fought, yes that was because it didn't have room for another boss.

For the appearing in a wall thing, that is a bug and really should not have happened, but that can happen if you perhaps laid something on the door that blocked your coming back through.  The 10 seconds before coming out of the wall is a failsafe, though, where it detected you were in a wall and then fixed it for you.
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Offline LaughingThesaurus

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Re: Bugs, or 'failsafe' features?
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2012, 03:14:45 pm »
Wasn't the boss supposed to have reduced toughness, though, for being a stealth assassination boss? That part of it might be an actual bug, unless the missions were changed.

Also, the thing blocking the door... it depends on whether explosion esper shrapnel counts as an object blocking the door. If that's the case, then I perfectly understand what happened. And yeah, I figured the 'popping out of the wall' thing was indeed a failsafe... 'cause I was about to say 'sonuva... do I have to abandon this character?'

Offline x4000

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Re: Bugs, or 'failsafe' features?
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2012, 03:16:44 pm »
I imagine it might have had reduced toughness, and it's just a really tough boss.

The explosion esper shrapnel should not have blocked the door, but it's possible that it might mistakenly have done so.
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Offline LaughingThesaurus

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Re: Bugs, or 'failsafe' features?
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2012, 03:26:27 pm »
Sheesh, it must have been crazy tough in that case. It felt a bit stronger than an ordinary boss typically does. I'll take your word for it on that. I'd never encountered such a blob in AVWW before. It was attacking a bit like I think a water amoeba, except it was shooting fireballs... so if it keeps the attack pattern then it must have just been a really tough boss I hadn't encountered yet.

So the possibilities are either the shrapnel, or possibly just my computer being silly, or something I totally missed. Either way I don't see anything in the debug log aside from standard looking stuff, like game initialization and world generation and all. No error logs or anything, either. It may have just been a very obscure issue involving me not likely being invincible when coming into explosion shrapnel, since I did just exit and enter again.
Either way... I'm pretty convinced that it shouldn't happen to me again, but if it DOES happen again, I'll try to get as much information here again as possible so it can at least be put on mantis as a reproduceable issue. Either way, pretty minor. It didn't kill poor... I don't remember my character's name.


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