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[MAP] Boss Room: Tower Link

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Changed the original post with the new version that has an 8X8 area.

Oh, whoops -- I told you wrong on the thing at the top, sorry.   :-[  There's still not 8 tiles of uninterrupted floor, which means that quite often bosses will just fail to spawn and the room will be instantly-completed.  I just had to update a number of my old maps just yesterday to fix them from doing that, too.

I'm not really sure what you mean....

Is it the ladder parts in the way?

At the top of the map, there's not enough floor.  I had overlooked the bottom of the map -- it may not be a problem with the ladders down there, I can't remember, so we could just try it that way I imagine and see how it does.


--- Quote from: x4000 on October 25, 2011, 09:35:56 am ---At the top of the map, there's not enough floor.  I had overlooked the bottom of the map -- it may not be a problem with the ladders down there, I can't remember, so we could just try it that way I imagine and see how it does.

--- End quote ---

So the top needs at least 8 pieces of floor then?

Does it have to be a full 8 or can it be 4 & 4? So I can just widen the top area by one tile (and widen the bottom by a tile too just to be clean)


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