General Category > AVWW Brainstorming

The Epitaph Thread!

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"Here lies <name>, who's hunger for rubies was not enough to overcome a pair of shadow bats. Now he guards his hoard forever."

"Here lies <name>. He was always mathematically declined. The silly man should have known that twelve is greater than six."

Just a few I came up on the fly, based on two of my real in-game deaths.


"Here lies Teal Blue... if she had only talked less... and fought more, she might still be with us, alas..."



placing them as warnings eg. a gravestone before a sector containing acid water, would be good

"I did not chance to find this mans name, but I found his body among those of many slain monsters..."
- warning of monster rich area (yes, AVWW needs serious sam style monster arenas :D)

"Here lie the shattere remains of Jeon Richards, who did not realise the added consequences of gravity here"
- warning that lava flats have fall damage

"Behind you!"
- when read, the gravestone turns into a vengeful ghost

"I carve with my last breath, dig within for what I died for"
- gravestone that supplies loot when destroyed

"My name. is vengst.I found no-one.only darkness. alone."
- found in deep dark cave

"Here lay the remains of Bill McGrath, who did not realise the infernal nature of these skull totems until much too late."
- found near monster spawns

"I am watching you"
- ??


<name> Only wounded a dragon

<name> Went swimming


"Final score: -1"

"Perished from the bird flu."

"All of my worldly treasures are hidden in the lava flats."

"It's cold in here."


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