I will need that hack threat level to choose my ships so that I have at least some choice over sado-randomizer....
This extremely strong preference of some bonus classes means that either the balance is not good enough, or you are just a weak player who cant FIGHT WITH WHAT YOU GOT!
Snort. Now now, K. Even I'm caught on the fine line of balance there, and I'm pretty sure I've proven I can fight with roughly anything handed to me, even if I whine a bit. That has little to do with not wanting to take the worst choices. There's a post with rough numbers around here from Keith that gives out the gist of pain for hacking. A K-Raid is worth roughly the second ARS hack. So, 1.5 K-Raids = first 2 ARS hacks. Is 4500 K worth semi-picking two of my bonus ships? The third and fourth ARS hack can hose you up pretty badly.
There's a chance of me getting autobombers, a useless ship (to me) except for defenses, or youngling vultures, or something similar that I find difficult to use on offense, which is what I want bonus ships for. Would trading that out for a MK I/II of a more valuable ship to me be worth more than taking Missile Frigates to II and something else to support offense, since I now have a stronger defense?
That's the balance. I can understand that people are feeling like their being given a new 'toy', the ARS hack, and that everything else is taken away from them if they want to use it. It's been a desired bonus for a while. What needs to be kept in mind is that you're (probably) never going to hack all five ARSs, or even more than 2, unless you're heavily built up for defense AND offense. Even then you're unlikely to survive the fifth hack except on really low AI levels.
How many actually K-Raided regularly enough to affect them? Not every system has a SuperTerminal to even abuse. In theory, if you've been ARS hacking to get preferred ships, you won't need to K-Raid because you won't be fighting to make the best use of what little you've gotten, you've gotten your chance to get ships more in line (though, not usually perfect) with your preferred style of play.
The minor difference I'd like to see is a second, minor hack. A visibility hack against the ARS, so I can tell if I *want* to hack it for more options before I do. I think that'd give an option outside of save scumming to try to play optimally. However, in the end, you can basically K-Raid a bit just like before and take your lumps on the ARSs if you want, or you can get your 'bonus' via the ARS selection. I like the balance. I'm just still testing to see if the balance is valid.
Ahem: Shield Bearer, Autobomber, and Youngling Vulture. Realllyyy??? Yeesh. Hang a sign on the thing "Defensive ARS research inside".