Author Topic: The new hacking mechanic  (Read 14438 times)

Offline zoutzakje

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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #30 on: March 07, 2012, 04:55:09 pm »
so far I never had the need to get that extra knowledge. I would do just fine. Plus my games tend to get out of hand AIP wise (for defense purposes, not for knowledge), so I'm always happy when I find out that a super terminal has seeded in my galaxy. I really like hacking ARSes as well though. First hack ever and I could pick one of my fav ship types, the bulletproof.

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #31 on: March 07, 2012, 05:12:58 pm »
First hack ever and I could pick one of my fav ship types, the bulletproof.
It's really funny how players have such different views on certain bonus types.  Iirc I read an AAR not long ago where the player was less than enthused to get bulletproofs from an ARS :)
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Offline Wanderer

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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #32 on: March 07, 2012, 05:39:42 pm »
First hack ever and I could pick one of my fav ship types, the bulletproof.
It's really funny how players have such different views on certain bonus types.  Iirc I read an AAR not long ago where the player was less than enthused to get bulletproofs from an ARS :)

*whistles innocently*  I have no idea what you're talking about.
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Offline zoutzakje

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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #33 on: March 07, 2012, 06:19:01 pm »
yeah I like how people have different views about different ships. After all, everybody having the same opinion would be rather boring, don't you think? :D
as for the bulletproofs, they've helped me get out of tricky positions more than once. It wouldn't be the first time I had a fairly large wave of bombers incoming and I had just not enough regular fighters to stop them. With bulletproofs to back em up that's never an issue. Also don't forget their shell ammo and insta kill immunity. their usefulness to me decreases as the game makes progress though, but early game they come in quite handy.

Offline Wanderer

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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #34 on: March 07, 2012, 06:50:13 pm »
SuperTerminal in new hacking:

Startup: Cleared my way with the MK I fleet + Raids to pop the eye and friends on planet.  Nerfed one planet, both still have warp gates.  Game is a 7/7 game vs. Sledgehammer and Support.  No previous hacking performed.

AI ships being deployed: Spire MiniRams, BulletProofs, triangle ships.

Personal ships: Triangle + Munition Boosters.  Handful of Bomber SS Is and Light Starship Is. MK Is only.

Build: Mil I station.  FF near SuperTerminal with Grav and hides repair Engi Is.  Space Dock to replace losses.

Eventually build: 30 Snipers, 20 LRMs for 'off center' spawns heading after the Mil I station.  49 Lightning Is and 49 Flak Is under glass on top of the ST.  Extra FF for the Cmd Center.

So far: At 100 AIP reduction (50 tics) I already got a Mk V surge spawn.  That's a bit overkill, but it was handled.  That really needs to be more in-line with current spawns, which were MK IIs. 

Wild Mage rolls + Translocator from Mil I has ~30 ships all over the place.  Not a signficant concern.  Had to drop in a few rebuilders to deal with turrets vs. MiniRams.  I'd really like the ability to turn off the Mil station's translocator so I don't have to place it halfway across a planet to NOT screw up my strategies...

So far the only thing that's concerned me was the MK V surge, which chewed up a chunk of ships.  Quickly replaced though since they're MK Is and quickly rebuilt.

It appears that boosting will not compound.  My Mil I is basically ignored due to the munitions boosters 1.8x for anything they touch, and the 1.4 off the light starships complete it.  I'd expect anything the munitions boosters were boosting to be 2.0x.

Will update again, but getting a few Data Centers out of it doesn't seem to be a significant problem.  It'd be nice if the first 20 tics of the ST were 'free' for hacking, though, so at the least you could count it as a Data Center.
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Offline Wanderer

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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #35 on: March 07, 2012, 07:11:58 pm »
+10 tics and another MK V surge on top of the MK II standards rip down everything.

Going back in time and trying with a MK II triangle fleet:

BWAGHAHA, riiight.  124 reduction (62 tics).  Back to back to back surges.  MK Vs, one got a wild mage roll and spawned off center.  SQUISH.

The surge empowerment is far too high to handle in a reasonable manner/expectation.  Personally I think it should, at most, double the current expectation.  Coming on top of an existing wave at 1 second behind it that should add plenty of 'additional' firepower.  That they can chain like that goes from "I'm fine" to "*Blink* Dude, where's my car?"
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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #36 on: March 07, 2012, 10:30:47 pm »
A preview of what happens somewhere around 300 ticks in, done through abuse of cheats:

I don't think even the Spire game-end fleet has a chance against a runaway Superterminal.

...Although in retrospect I'm pretty sure that the threat didn't start that high and actually climbed from 20Kish to 150Kish long after the superterminal was destroyed. The AI kept "redeploying 1000 ships to fill an AI Carrier", each time hiking up the threat count by 1000 -- maybe redeployment acts weird on zombie ships?

Offline Wanderer

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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2012, 11:57:11 pm »
AI needs to chill at 3000 K gained while you move your K-Raider off planet.   I was at 3000 gained on first of test planets when it set off another tachyon charge, and it appeared to still be cranky about me 'hacking the planet', when there's nothing left to hack.  I would hope that the counter is no longer increasing because of a lack of K gain, but still.

Side note: Wild Mage rolls + Zenith Bombards = Annoying.  Blade spawners are probably worse.  Keep a set of raid starships handy to hunt down long range spawns.
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Offline Wanderer

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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #38 on: March 08, 2012, 12:29:50 am »
Alright, finally dug a bit into CounterSaboteur.

Found my mega-surge, too.  Ugh.

Code: [Select]
3/7/2012 5:08:32 PM (5.029) 1:29:13 Counter-Superterminal-hack Spawn
spawnStrength = TotalNumberOfSuperTerminalTicks * 4 = 224
kRaidAntagonism = TotalAmountOfKnowledgeRaided * (10000/3000) = 0
kRaidAntagonism *= (8/TotalHumanPlayersThatGetKnowledgeCount) = 0
superTerminalAntagonism = TotalNumberOfSuperTerminalTicks * 1500 = 84000
shipDesignHackingAntagonism = if 1 Adv Research Station hacked then 30k, if 2 hacked then 90k, if 3 270k, etc = 0
totalHackingAntagonism = 84000
multiplierForSuperterminalHackResponseSpawn = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/160000) = 1.52
spawnStrength *= hackingMultiplier = 341.58
maximumNumberOfWildRollsForSuperterminalHackSpawn = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/80000) = 2
wild-roll:SuperterminalSurge, spawnStrength = 1195.52
wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 1195.52
traded 150 strength for tech-level increase 4 times (resulting strength:595.52 techLevel:5)
spawnStrenth capped at 500
spawnedType:CoreBomber quantity:29 (strength-each:2)
spawnedType:CoreFighter quantity:44 (strength-each:2)
spawnedType:CoreBattleCruiser quantity:33 (strength-each:2)
spawnedType:CoreSpireMiniRam quantity:29 (strength-each:10.01)

3/7/2012 5:08:32 PM (5.029) 1:29:14 Counter-Superterminal-hack Spawn
spawnStrength = TotalNumberOfSuperTerminalTicks * 4 = 228
kRaidAntagonism = TotalAmountOfKnowledgeRaided * (10000/3000) = 0
kRaidAntagonism *= (8/TotalHumanPlayersThatGetKnowledgeCount) = 0
superTerminalAntagonism = TotalNumberOfSuperTerminalTicks * 1500 = 85500
shipDesignHackingAntagonism = if 1 Adv Research Station hacked then 30k, if 2 hacked then 90k, if 3 270k, etc = 0
totalHackingAntagonism = 85500
multiplierForSuperterminalHackResponseSpawn = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/160000) = 1.53
spawnStrength *= hackingMultiplier = 349.79
maximumNumberOfWildRollsForSuperterminalHackSpawn = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/80000) = 2
wild-roll:SuperterminalSurge, spawnStrength = 1224.28
wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 1224.28
traded 150 strength for tech-level increase 4 times (resulting strength:624.28 techLevel:5)
spawnStrenth capped at 500
spawnedType:CoreBomber quantity:29 (strength-each:2)
spawnedType:CoreBattleCruiser quantity:23 (strength-each:2)
spawnedType:CoreFighter quantity:28 (strength-each:2)
spawnedType:CoreSpireMiniRam quantity:34 (strength-each:10.01)

3/7/2012 5:08:34 PM (5.029) 1:29:15 Counter-Superterminal-hack Spawn
spawnStrength = TotalNumberOfSuperTerminalTicks * 4 = 232
kRaidAntagonism = TotalAmountOfKnowledgeRaided * (10000/3000) = 0
kRaidAntagonism *= (8/TotalHumanPlayersThatGetKnowledgeCount) = 0
superTerminalAntagonism = TotalNumberOfSuperTerminalTicks * 1500 = 87000
shipDesignHackingAntagonism = if 1 Adv Research Station hacked then 30k, if 2 hacked then 90k, if 3 270k, etc = 0
totalHackingAntagonism = 87000
multiplierForSuperterminalHackResponseSpawn = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/160000) = 1.54
spawnStrength *= hackingMultiplier = 358.14
maximumNumberOfWildRollsForSuperterminalHackSpawn = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/80000) = 2
wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 358.14
wild-roll:SuperterminalSurge, spawnStrength = 1253.49
traded 150 strength for tech-level increase 4 times (resulting strength:653.49 techLevel:5)
spawnStrenth capped at 500
spawnedType:CoreBattleCruiser quantity:29 (strength-each:2)
spawnedType:CoreFighter quantity:34 (strength-each:2)
spawnedType:CoreBomber quantity:19 (strength-each:2)
spawnedType:CoreSpireMiniRam quantity:34 (strength-each:10.01)

3/7/2012 5:08:35 PM (5.029) 1:29:16 Counter-Superterminal-hack Spawn
spawnStrength = TotalNumberOfSuperTerminalTicks * 4 = 236
kRaidAntagonism = TotalAmountOfKnowledgeRaided * (10000/3000) = 0
kRaidAntagonism *= (8/TotalHumanPlayersThatGetKnowledgeCount) = 0
superTerminalAntagonism = TotalNumberOfSuperTerminalTicks * 1500 = 88500
shipDesignHackingAntagonism = if 1 Adv Research Station hacked then 30k, if 2 hacked then 90k, if 3 270k, etc = 0
totalHackingAntagonism = 88500
multiplierForSuperterminalHackResponseSpawn = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/160000) = 1.55
spawnStrength *= hackingMultiplier = 366.5
maximumNumberOfWildRollsForSuperterminalHackSpawn = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/80000) = 2
wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 366.5
wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 366.5
traded 150 strength for tech-level increase 2 times (resulting strength:66.5 techLevel:3)
spawnedType:BulletproofFighterIII quantity:3 (strength-each:2.22)
spawnedType:SpireMiniRamIII quantity:5 (strength-each:10.01)
spawnedType:Cruiser quantity:4 (strength-each:2)
spawnedType:FighterIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2)
spawnedType:BomberIII quantity:1 (strength-each:2)

It appears surges are a 3.5 multiplier to the base strength going into the wild-roll phase.  This is probably a bit high.  Simply adding 150 would bring you up a tech level, and you've got another spawn riding in behind it in 2 seconds or less.  Add to that the possibility of multiple surges and you've got a recipe for disaster.  This isn't so much 'riding the bronco' as it is 'petting the nuclear bomb'. :)

Suggested changes:
1: Bring Wild Surge to only a 150 increase off existing strength.  That will simply bump it up a tech level instead of being floored at MK V from a Mk 1 strength.
2: Wild Surge should halve (at least) the chance of another wild surge on the next spawn.  Chances of infinite surging should be negated.  4 spawns basically simultaneously should be right out when you're facing Tech II!
3: Halve the tick multiplier and double the hacking effect.  Earlier hacking should have a more drastic effect on the ST.  You might look to a pure hacking effect to strength, since ST ticks increase both hacking and ST strength, unless you're trying to mitigate the long term effects of previous hacking on the strength of the bronco ride.  That can still be done by adjusting the divisor for mulitplierForSuperterminalHackResponseSpawn.
4: Guardian spawns?!  Ow.  Right right, nasty, but still, ow ow.
5: Add in a paralytic roll, 1 second.  Let them compound.  Similar to the tachyon pulse.

As to your other evils, these during the first K-Raid:
wild-roll:RaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 21

That's just mean.  ;D

maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/40000) = 3
wild-roll:ZombieGuardianSpawn, spawnStrength = 21
wild-roll:MultiplySpawnSizeByOneAndAHalf, spawnStrength = 31.5
wild-roll:MultiplySpawnSizeByOneAndAHalf, spawnStrength = 47.25
spawnedType:AIGuardianZombieII quantity:3 (strength-each:21.78)

Allow me to say, just say, OW.

maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/40000) = 2
wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5
wild-roll:MultiplySpawnSizeByTwo, spawnStrength = 35

Does this mean they simply become threat, or are they coming via wormhole to defend the planet like most zombies will go after the nearest target?  In this case, they probably should be non-zombie free-threat.

maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/40000) = 2
wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 17.5
wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 26.25

These poor lads got seriously confused when they showed up.  I like how you changed warp jump to 1.5x on second occurrence.  That could get nasty.

maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/40000) = 2
wild-roll:MultiplySpawnSizeByTwo, spawnStrength = 35
wild-roll:MultiplySpawnSizeByTwo, spawnStrength = 70

I didn't particularly notice this wave being 'special'.  You might want to throw in a ByThree roll as well.

I have many more K-Raids to do.  I'll let you know how those turn out.  With the multiple rolls, I can see what you mean by 'apocalyptic' though for the 4th ARS.  Good grief.  Maybe ByThree would be overkill...

Edit: I should probably add this was pretty fiesty for a 7/7 K-Raid with no previous hacking and being the first one.  Standard tactics though.  Park on the Command Center, use a small fleet of outriders for serious problem ships (long range ships), as everything else comes into your fleet anyway.  Mobile Builder + FF to give your fleet a few protected engineers for repairs.  Beware of reinforcements in the middle of the raid.

In my case MiniRams + Bombards are making things a little aggravating, so that may be part of the 'fiesty-ness'.

Edit 2: I also upgraded Missile Frigs to III with Bomber/Fighters at II.  Why Frigs?  Longest range as the warp jumpers close in on me.  ;)

Edit 3: It was the bombards making it nasty, nothing else.  Second K-Raid was against the other AI who doesn't get Bombards and it was buttah.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 01:20:12 am by GUDare »
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Offline Wanderer

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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #39 on: March 08, 2012, 01:58:26 am »
Wow, those wild-rolls add up fast.

Third K-Raid caused a wipeout of the supply system at the tail of the K-Raid. Future note: To lower # of spawns, drag in as many Research IIIs as you can.  Sure, the Antagonism counter will spin up faster, but you still only get 1 spawn/10 seconds.  Nice way to shorten up the time it takes to deal with a K-Raid, too.  This is, however, theoretically horribly abuseable.

Recommendation: Ship cap of Research IIIs at 10, hard cap like starships.

Edit 2: Nevermind, I just noticed this line:  spawnStrength *= numberOfSaboteurs = 35

Ow.  Don't do dat.

For those curious:
Code: [Select]
3/7/2012 11:53:08 PM (5.029) 4:48:40 Counter-Saboteur Spawn on Marik  (playerNumber:9)
spawnStrength = max(1,(AIDifficulty * Handicap)) * 2.5 = 17.5
spawnStrength *= numberOfSaboteurs = 35
kRaidAntagonism = TotalAmountOfKnowledgeRaided * (10000/3000) = 30000
kRaidAntagonism *= (8/TotalHumanPlayersThatGetKnowledgeCount) = 240000
superTerminalAntagonism = TotalNumberOfSuperTerminalTicks * 1500 = 0
shipDesignHackingAntagonism = if 1 Adv Research Station hacked then 30k, if 2 hacked then 90k, if 3 270k, etc = 0
totalHackingAntagonism = 240000
multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = max(1,(totalHackingAntagonism-80000)/160000) = 2
spawnStrength *= multiplierForSabotageResponseSpawn = 70
maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/40000) = 7
wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 70
wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 70
wild-roll:MultiplySpawnSizeByOneAndAHalf, spawnStrength = 105
wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 157.5
wild-roll:MultiplySpawnSizeByOneAndAHalf, spawnStrength = 236.25
wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 236.25
wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 354.38
spawnedType:BomberII quantity:17 (strength-each:2)
spawnedType:SpireGravityRipperII quantity:24 (strength-each:4)
spawnedType:MissileShipII quantity:20 (strength-each:2)
spawnedType:FighterII quantity:15 (strength-each:2)
spawnedType:ZenithBombardmentII quantity:20 (strength-each:8)

Edit: I'm reminded of the end of Peacekeeper Wars with this.  "Pick up a penny, double it, do that a few hundred times..."  "This is insane!"

Wonder how crazy the fourth one's gonna get.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 02:02:52 am by GUDare »
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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #40 on: March 08, 2012, 09:59:52 am »
Why -150 strength for +1 Mark?  Why not use the same multipliers as normal waves?  So the wave strength multipliers for going up one mark would be:
Mark I -> II = 0.9 / 1.5
Mark II -> III = 0.7 / 0.9
Mark III -> IV = 0.6 / 0.7
Mark IV -> V = 0.5 / 0.6

In GUDare's 1195.52 wave strength case, that would have gone as follows:
Mark I: 1195.52 * 0.9 / 1.5 = 717.312 (still over cap of 500 so continue)
Mark II: 717.312 * 0.7 / 0.9 = 557.909 (still over cap of 500 so continue)
Mark III: 557.909 * 0.6 / 0.7 = 478.208 (done)

Offline TechSY730

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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #41 on: March 08, 2012, 10:21:49 am »
OK, some feedback. Most of which has already been commented on elsewhere, I am just consolidating it.

  • There should be an alert when a "hacking" effort is complete
  • The in-game descriptions of what hackers do needs to be cleared up a little bit
  • "Bursts" currently give a bit too much extra bonus to points the AI can spend for the next wave, especially for superterminals
  • Even outside of bursts, superterminals aggravate the AI a bit too quickly
  • There needs to be some way in game to tell how much the AI is "suspicious" of hacking efforts. It doesn't have to be an exact number, but some sort of rough indication will do
  • If a hacking effort is done, the AI needs to stop responding to it (like the ARS has been hacked, or all knowledge gathered). This includes both spawning waves and increasing "hacking suspicion"
  • The amount of aggravation stuff accumulates and how it relates to the magnitude of the AI response needs to be added to the wiki somehow

Whether the AI increasing its aggravation to much in response to hacking in general is something I'm not sure about.

EDIT: Despite this big-ol list of criticisms, I love the new hacking mechanic. :)
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 11:04:17 am by techsy730 »

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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #42 on: March 08, 2012, 10:51:42 am »
Does powering down the K-Raider stop the hacking spawns?

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #43 on: March 08, 2012, 11:47:35 am »
So far: At 100 AIP reduction (50 tics) I already got a Mk V surge spawn.  That's a bit overkill, but it was handled.  That really needs to be more in-line with current spawns, which were MK IIs.
The surges are pretty hardcore, yea.  I agree with Hearteater's later suggestion of how to determine the "cost" of "promoting" to a higher tech level.

In general, though, my hope for the surges was to make it so that you would have a very significant motive to shut the thing down even when you can "handle" the normal stuff.  Basically you never know which tick will be your last ;)  But yea, it may be over-done right now.

I'd really like the ability to turn off the Mil station's translocator so I don't have to place it halfway across a planet to NOT screw up my strategies...
Haha, yea, the translocation is pretty funny but of dubious usefulness in many circumstances.  One of many things in the game that calls for more granularity than "on/off" (particularly for units that don't _have_ a low-power mode, like command stations).

It appears that boosting will not compound.  My Mil I is basically ignored due to the munitions boosters 1.8x for anything they touch, and the 1.4 off the light starships complete it.  I'd expect anything the munitions boosters were boosting to be 2.0x.
Right, it always takes the highest boost.  It used to be possible to stack boosts, all the way up to 5.0.  Waaaaay OP.

It'd be nice if the first 20 tics of the ST were 'free' for hacking, though, so at the least you could count it as a Data Center.
Yea, I could make it make the ST factor for non-ST purposes be based on max(0,STTicks-20); so those first 20 would still make ST hacking harder, but wouldn't impact k-hacking or sd-hacking.

Coming on top of an existing wave at 1 second behind it that should add plenty of 'additional' firepower.
Yea, its shortening of recharge time to 1 is a pretty big deal already; I may remove that part and have the "trade strength-over-cap for tech" and "trade strength-over-cap for lower recharge" steps interleave randomly. 

That they can chain like that goes from "I'm fine" to "*Blink* Dude, where's my car?"
There is no car.

AI needs to chill at 3000 K gained while you move your K-Raider off planet.   I was at 3000 gained on first of test planets when it set off another tachyon charge, and it appeared to still be cranky about me 'hacking the planet', when there's nothing left to hack.  I would hope that the counter is no longer increasing because of a lack of K gain, but still.
I kinda liked that it motivate you to get the hacker off the planet quick-like ;)  But will consider having it react specifically to the hacking, rather than the mere presence of the hacker.

Side note: Wild Mage rolls + Zenith Bombards = Annoying.  Blade spawners are probably worse.
Ah, Emergent Annoyance, gotta love it ;)

wild-roll:SuperterminalSurge, spawnStrength = 1195.52
Boot-to-the-head! ;)

It appears surges are a 3.5 multiplier to the base strength going into the wild-roll phase.
Diff/2, actually. 

This is probably a bit high.  Simply adding 150 would bring you up a tech level, and you've got another spawn riding in behind it in 2 seconds or less.  Add to that the possibility of multiple surges and you've got a recipe for disaster.
That's what's on the menu! ;) 

This isn't so much 'riding the bronco' as it is 'petting the nuclear bomb'. :)
I prefer to think of it as riding the nuclear bronco, but point taken.

1: Bring Wild Surge to only a 150 increase off existing strength.  That will simply bump it up a tech level instead of being floored at MK V from a Mk 1 strength.
That would help, but I'm leaning more towards:
- Changing the math involved in "buying" a tech upgrade along the lines of what Hearteater suggested.
- Removing the automatic "set recharge time to 1" rule from surges, which basically removes the possibility of "chain" surges as they currently exist.  On one hand I like how it can steal your car with back-to-back-to-back spawns, but overall having the ticks speed up quite like that is difficult to balance (even in the loose sense of "balance" that applies here).

2: Wild Surge should halve (at least) the chance of another wild surge on the next spawn.  Chances of infinite surging should be negated.  4 spawns basically simultaneously should be right out when you're facing Tech II!
It's never safe ;)  Maybe should stick a surgeon general's warning sticker on the side of the ST.  But yea, what I'm thinking of doing will at least relegate chain-surges to a later thing.

3: Halve the tick multiplier and double the hacking effect.  Earlier hacking should have a more drastic effect on the ST.  You might look to a pure hacking effect to strength, since ST ticks increase both hacking and ST strength
Ok, so have totalHackingAntagonism feed into the first step of computing spawnStrength, instead of only counting ticks there?  And yea, if I do that I don't need a base and a multiplier, can just compute straight to what base*multiplier is now.

4: Guardian spawns?!  Ow.  Right right, nasty, but still, ow ow.
Your friendly neighborhood pain inflictors ;)  I'm interested in suggestions on other spawn patterns to throw into the mix that would also be interesting :)  There's a lot of variety among the different guardian and starship types, etc.  Having the occasional deliberate homogenous, or perhaps premade-two-type-combo, spawns shakes things up nicely, I think.

5: Add in a paralytic roll, 1 second.  Let them compound.  Similar to the tachyon pulse.
Yea, that would be interesting.  But with current mechanics that would mean paralyzing everything like an EMP.  I just used the same function that a tachyon warhead calls for the tachyon pulse, just a different number of seconds, and here I would presumably be doing the same but like the EMP warhead, which doesn't care much for IFF codes.  Still, having some rolls that aren't unambiguously advantageous to the AI isn't a bad thing.

wild-roll:RaidStarshipSpawn, spawnStrength = 21

That's just mean.  ;D
I thought it was median ;)  21 strength worth of raids is just one, I think; maybe 2 because it keeps spawning as long as leftovers > 0.  21 Raid Starships would be rather brutal.

maximumNumberOfWildRolls = 1 + (totalHackingAntagonism/40000) = 2
wild-roll:PickNeighboringAIPlanet, spawnStrength = 17.5
wild-roll:MultiplySpawnSizeByTwo, spawnStrength = 35

Does this mean they simply become threat, or are they coming via wormhole to defend the planet like most zombies will go after the nearest target?  In this case, they probably should be non-zombie free-threat.
They're just zombies.  It would make sense to make them non-zombie if spawned elsewhere, yea.  That will actually make them harder to deal with, of course.

wild-roll:MultiplySpawnSizeByTwo, spawnStrength = 35
wild-roll:MultiplySpawnSizeByTwo, spawnStrength = 70

I didn't particularly notice this wave being 'special'.  You might want to throw in a ByThree roll as well.
As you discovered, x2 for a single roll is quite enough to enable potential extreme pain ;)

Edit 2: I also upgraded Missile Frigs to III with Bomber/Fighters at II.  Why Frigs?  Longest range as the warp jumpers close in on me.  ;)
Whenever something new actually motivates someone to upgrade frigs before bombers, I know it did a good job of motivating alternative strategy ;)

Edit 2: Nevermind, I just noticed this line:  spawnStrength *= numberOfSaboteurs = 35

wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 70
wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 70
wild-roll:MultiplySpawnSizeByOneAndAHalf, spawnStrength = 105
wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 157.5
wild-roll:MultiplySpawnSizeByOneAndAHalf, spawnStrength = 236.25
wild-roll:InnocuousRoll, spawnStrength = 236.25
wild-roll:ShortRangeWarpJump, spawnStrength = 354.38
Hahaha.  And that's with two of them rolling innocuous and with no x2 rolls.  Imagine the potential ;)  Reminds me of the inspiration for this: a Baldur's Gate 2 LP where the last boss fight's dramatic tension was rather shortcircuited by a stray multiply-effect wild surge when the main character cast his main summon.  Overlord < 8 Astral Devas (or whatever it was).

Why -150 strength for +1 Mark?  Why not use the same multipliers as normal waves?  So the wave strength multipliers for going up one mark would be:
Mark I -> II = 0.9 / 1.5
Mark II -> III = 0.7 / 0.9
Mark III -> IV = 0.6 / 0.7
Mark IV -> V = 0.5 / 0.6

In GUDare's 1195.52 wave strength case, that would have gone as follows:
Mark I: 1195.52 * 0.9 / 1.5 = 717.312 (still over cap of 500 so continue)
Mark II: 717.312 * 0.7 / 0.9 = 557.909 (still over cap of 500 so continue)
Mark III: 557.909 * 0.6 / 0.7 = 478.208 (done)
Yea, that's a good point in general.  What I'm thinking is:

spawnSize *= (mark/mark+1)
(since numerical power increases linearly with mark)

potentially, spawnSize *= (standard_cap_for_this_mark / standard_cap_for_next_mark)
which will actually increase it, but I'll probably leave this step out because 2xHP and 2xDamage is actually more than 2x-as-dangerous in general.


That's basically a huge nerf to ST spawns, but I think it would work fine considering the other stuff they have now.  I would have given them more "crazy" rolls and such (they have much less wild-roll variety than the other hacking response logic), but their sheer numerical power made me shy away from that.  We'll see if there's room for more after this ;)
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Offline Hearteater

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Re: The new hacking mechanic
« Reply #44 on: March 08, 2012, 12:10:17 pm »
Wild roll thoughts/suggestions:

* If you remove the pulse reset, one of the wild rolls could reset the next pulse timer to 1 second.  That would make it much less common, but not impossible.

* Or instead have a roll that defers the entire pulse, so the next pulse is actually a double-spawn (resolved as two separate spawns, not a single double strength spawn).  This would be similar to 1-second to next pulse, but actually gives you a brief breather, sort of a lull before the storm.

* Is there a wild magic roll that releases ships (CPA-style)?  Maybe have it release X ships (where X is the wave strength) starting at the nearest enemy systems and working out.  To be clear, that's in addition to a wave of X ships getting spawned, X already existing ships get freed.

* Have a roll that defers the wild roll to the next pulse.  So this pulse gets one less, but the next one gets one more.

* Roll that adds Lightning/Armored/EMP warheads to a wave (instead of starships/guardians).

Also, I really like Guardians spawning.  They are Guardians after all.  I'd almost throw in at least one/pulse.


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