My only complaint (once I figured out that Siege Starships weren't all that useful) was how often they and Bomber Starships would fly into point blank range when attack moving and no valid targets were present. That was really annoying and basically forces them to be controlled separately.
But I very much welcome a name change, since I too was very mislead and confused by them at first.
If you can't think of anything else when you do look at their functioning:
* Maybe make it so any target damaged by a Siege Starship recently will explode on death, damaging nearby enemy units as well. It doesn't even need to be a lot of damage.
* If you go with the Paladin name, give them some minor defensive/support effect on their allies, say a small armor boost maybe. Because if you designed the ultimate weapon and it turned out to be a dude most of the time, you'd want a second selling point for your ship too.