Would it be possible to make Carriers immune to Attrition? In my current game, I have a almost-full cap of Spirecraft Attritioners on my whipping boy, under lot of FFs. When two waves, each of about 17K little ships (Space planes, autocannons, etc - the AI was a Shadow Master), arrived I was able to pop, kill, pop, kill, and generally keep the situation under control without too heavy losses. Then the attrition damage added up, and the last 20-something carriers all popped at once. That resulted in a dozen Siege Towers, hundreds of guardians, and lots and lots of starships and core fleetships. What had been a damaging, but winnable fight turned into a crushing loss.
I had "Auto-target Carriers" off.
Also, I've noticed allied AI controlled and Zombie units will attack carriers directly if there are no other valid targets in range. This has led to a few undesired pops as well. Could we get zombies to follow the "Auto-target Carriers" setting as well, like normal ships?