There was only one error in '\RuntimeData\ErrorsReportedByEngine.txt', and that was not at a time the lockups occurred:
- 10/30/2010 8:48:18 AM (4.021)
-----------------------------------Exception-----------------------------------Log String: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Stack Trace: GameButton.RenderSelf (Rect buttonRect, Boolean IsEnabled)
ArcenButtonSetSelfRender.Render (Rect ParentBounds, Vector2 EffectiveScrollPosition, Vector3 MousePositionFromTopLeft)
AbstractArcenWindow.WindowFunctionCall (Int32 WindowID)
UnityEngine.GUI+_Window.Do ()
UnityEngine.GUI.EndWindows (UnityEngine.IDList idlist)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility.EndGUI (Int32 doLayout, Int32 doWindows, UnityEngine.IDList idlist)
Is that the only place errors are logged? I continued with one of the interrupted games for an hour after the reinstall and nothing went noticeably wrong. Will try and get some more play time tomorrow