Once again, I'd like to point out that penetrators were over-nerfed when they went from can get from common asteroids and perma-cloaked to must get them from rarer asteroids and decloakable (this happened a long time ago, and I pointed this out then as well). They should of lost one aspect or the other. With both lost, they are a bit too weak for actual "deep strike penetration" uses, certainly too weak to justify a rarer asteroid for.
For one penetrator (I) you can get four (!) rammers.
The 4 rammers cap wise have more HP, damage, and speed. The only things the penetrators have are cloaking and range, and current AI HW mechanics negate that.
I have no need for a penetrator perviously aside from exo waves (which spire craft can cause, no less!) and core guard posts. Now, penetrators are good for countering the things they created to begin with!