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Baleur Art Mods: Starfields!

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So... if repeating is unavoidable, just have a box full of stars and another near empty. They'll just repeat the same as now, but you'll have some empty gaps here and there too. :P I'm sure it takes some thinking and planning, but with some randomness to each tile, the repeats shouldn't look too bad.

I really should probably try it myself before trying to sound like I know that for sure, heh.

Dunno how intensive it would be, but I'm pretty sure the visual starfield generation has nothing to do with the simulation or anything like that, so an alternate rendering mechanism (i.e., just loop sequentially through available textures) would be possible.  How much of a priority it would be is another matter, relative both to how much work it would be (dunno right now) and community interest.

Wow, just saw the pics. They will definitely go to my AIWar folder right away! Beautiful!!!!

Thanks Baleur.


--- Quote from: HitmanN on March 25, 2010, 05:45:34 pm ---So... if repeating is unavoidable, just have a box full of stars and another near empty. They'll just repeat the same as now, but you'll have some empty gaps here and there too. :P I'm sure it takes some thinking and planning, but with some randomness to each tile, the repeats shouldn't look too bad.

I really should probably try it myself before trying to sound like I know that for sure, heh.

--- End quote ---

Yeah m8, i suppose it could be done by a pro, but the thing is, the squares are like 128x128 pixels or something. So they are really small ingame too.
So basically you'd have a tiny black void next to a tiny star cluster and so on. And do avoid tiling you'd need an average ammount of stars at the borders so it'd be like little potholes in space :P

Still sounds better than equal spread everywhere, me thinks.


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