Author Topic: Rivals of Aether [PC fighting game]  (Read 2596 times)

Offline Wingflier

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Rivals of Aether [PC fighting game]
« on: April 29, 2016, 03:05:19 pm »
So this is a new fighting game genre that is finally making its way to PC. Essentially it's as close to the Super Smash Brothers series as it can be, without triggering some kind of lawsuit violation from Nintendo (RIP Project M <3).

Though it seems to take its cues more from the fast-paced, combo-oriented playstyle of Melee and N64 Smash instead of the slower, often more campy later generations of the game.

The developers seem extremely passionate about the project, and also very knowledgeable about what they're doing as well. For their April Fools joke it seems they were making fun of the random tripping mechanic in Brawl (which let's all agree, was totally and completely the most retarded decision ever made for any fighting game in history). So huge props for that.

Anyway, the game has received glowing reviews, specifically for emulating the successes of the Smash genre, while dumping the garbage. The game is still in early access since last September, it now has the full release character roster, and is fully playable online with 2 people. In local multiplayer it supports 4, but they'll be adding 4 player online as well before release, as well as a single-player portion of the game. Apparently it even has support for Gamecube controllers, which is just amazing.

I wasn't a big fan of the trailers, but I felt like this combo video was a good sell, as well as this stream of an actual tournament played only a couple weeks ago.

Would be interested to hear what you guys think.
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Offline Misery

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Re: Rivals of Aether [PC fighting game]
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2016, 05:59:19 am »
After seeing some of that tournament video, this DOES look pretty good.

I cant give much feedback beyond there though.  I'm not a fan of playing fighting games online against randoms (because people tend to use the same strategies over... and over.... and over... and never do anything new, even if it isn't working, and I get bored fast) and that's the only way I'd be able to play this one.  Pretty much nobody I know would touch it.  I have a hard enough time getting anyone I know to do any fighting games with me as it is.  They'll do Arc's games (though I don't play the most recent Guilty Gear, because bah) but that's about it.

Which is a shame, because it does look like a lot of fun.

Though, there's one other thing that tends to bug me when it comes to games that look like the online is going to be a major aspect of it:  They're a very risky buy.  Either they're huge, or it becomes very hard to find opponents.  This has always irritated the hell outta me, but that's how it often is.

In terms of gameplay though, yeah, it looks pretty good.

How does it compare to Smash?  Hmm, I dunno.  It's been a LONG time since I played Smash all that much.  Melee was fast and exciting, yet was also absolutely godawful; a totally broken mess defined by it's bugs and monstrous balance problems.   Brawl... you know, I liked Brawl well enough.  But that game just didn't last long.   Smash 4?  Now I do like Smash 4, but again, I don't play it all that much.  Nobody I know cares, so... that ended pretty fast.

HOnestly though I cant imagine my own input here would be all that useful.  I never played Smash by tourney rules unless I absolutely had to; I usually kept items on and stages could be anything.  Why?  Because of the chaos of it.  It's one thing to bring down an opponent; it's another to bring down an opponent who grabbed every possible advantage, yet STILL couldn't win.  And to reliably do so among the constant chaos that the game could generate.... yeah, that's a huge part of why I played Smash. It was quite the thrill to do that.  I'd do tourney rules if required but tended to get bored with it fast; after enough of the "playing with chaos" type gameplay the normal tourney matches just... were uninteresting in comparison.   Part of that though might have been it's utter lack of a sensible combo system (again, used to Arc's games and similar things) so the basic fighting wasn't hugely exciting without the extras and didn't require all that much focus.

This clearly has some combo stuffs going on internally, so that looks nice.  It looks a little slow-moving though.... but to be fair I think everything is slow, so I suppose that doesn't mean much.   The characters look fun, the attacks look fun, the art is nice and crisp... yeah, it looks nice enough to me.

But.... yeah, I'd give more feedback if this were one I'd actually be playing.  Lately though, I've had to find competition in entirely different genres, which is more than a little frustrating (because finding other damn genres to compete in is hard; all anyone ever wants to do is play modern FPS games now).  So that's about all I have on this one.

Offline Mánagarmr

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Re: Rivals of Aether [PC fighting game]
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2016, 04:28:31 pm »
If I cared at all about fighting games I'd probably pick this up, but I just don't. Looks decent though!
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Re: Rivals of Aether [PC fighting game]
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2016, 05:47:28 pm »
This one has been on my wanted list ever since it appeared in Early Access. The pace, the combos, etc, all look excessively fun and the devs seem to have a very clear vision of where they want to take the game. I certainly appreciate that they went for quality above quantity when it comes to characters. Having 50 characters to choose from is pointless if 46 of them are trash and/or boring.

My only problem would be the total lack of fighting game players in my surroundings. This might sound familiar, but Call of Duty has a much stronger following around here. sigh

But hey, the good news is they'll be adding two singleplayer modes to the game eventually. So there's that.

Offline Misery

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Re: Rivals of Aether [PC fighting game]
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2016, 05:50:24 pm »
I don't even bother with singleplayer modes in fighters for the most part myself.

The AI is just too bloody stupid.