I posted my
feedback ticket pretty early, after just one game with the attitude buildings. While I still stand by my suggestions for giving players more ways to get races to like each other, I think I was too generous to the attitude buildings themselves.
I like what the attitude buildings are
trying to do. They force us to 1) put in time to 2) enact a long-term strategy that 3) has strategic trade-offs and 4) was formed by looking at our tools and trying to maximize benefits and minimize costs.
That said, I don't think it
works. Though the attitude buildings take up a huge chunk of real estate on the Property Development dropdown, you're still very constricted in your choices. If you want to make the Acutians like you, the Burlusts are going to like you as well. It's hard to cozy up to the Skylaxians without bringing the Evucks along for the ride, etc... The races being packaged deals like this clearly wasn't part of the original vision for the game, but the attitude buildings tie them up fairly tight.
Now, it's true that the inevitable angering of other races while endearing yourself to others is a strategic tradeoff. It's just a very unsatisfying one because the magnitudes involved mean that not only is a rapprochement is unlikely (you can take someone to -100 while getting up to your +300 with someone, and the inevitable war that crops up in because of that low attitude will make it worse), but you didn't really even have much of a choice on who you wanted to hate your preferred race due to the constricting nature of the buildings.
Of course the map does tend towards being somewhat of a love-in as Wellbeing Admiration starts to stack up, but I really don't think that the planned other ways to get races into the Federation can come soon enough. I want to see attitude buildings gone, other ways to build up inter-racial esteem brought in to replace them, and us to be given more things to worry about than how much races like each other. I've flowcharted the game; it's pretty simple right now, once you learn to ignore the options that are unimportant. Most of your good options are just ways to different ways to affect the same things, so the deepest gameplay I had in my most recent building was trying to optimize buildings for inter-racial harmony (six surviving races—I could have done better, but it's still better than any game I've had before).
Real inter-planetary trade (not, as I pointed out in another thread, simple trade in minerals) might be a good strategic tradeoff. If would make two races like each other more
and boost their economy, but that economic boost could turn into a crushing weight if either planet were blockaded by an enemy, bombardment or no. Benefit in exchange for a vulnerability. Also, why can't we start up pro-Federation agitators on a planet? We can compel them to join whether their leaders like the other members or not.