ok, already beaten game here but i still got questions for curiousity's sake.
for me getting most members into federation wasn't really that difficult. the bourines, i think they the only ones where you can pay them to join the federation. think i see the "join federation tab"on all the other races. so i'm feeling you have to get another race to be on above 90 relations with them and that need to be both ways. and paying a race to improve relations, that way takes like forever and is annoying. so i wondering if anybody got an easier way?
so really it's a matter of money, you either directly or indirectly(bribe) pay races to join the federation and build influences.
the challenge for me wasn't building the federation but solving each race's unique problems like diseases, riots and so on. and some races didn't seem to have any problems for what i seen, only perks. for example, skylaxian and burlust: they kept getting perks and grew without problems like market boom and baby boom and so on.
the peltian got the teethworn problem that wasn't curable no matter what i did but when some invade another planet, that disease didn't follow and the new planet healthcare could actually grow. and andor got this splinter faction problem which i didn't know how to solve.
anybody know how to solve these two problems? or are they unsolvable cuz they weren't designed to be solvable?
i feel the nurturing of these different races has it's fun and there should be a feature to" keep playing" after mission goal's achieved.