Yeah the incredibility... had to shake thinks up a bit. Actually wanted to move on to hard but then i had to do the normal run for !science! so I could provide +Feedback+
Didn't even notice fire rate increase... thought it would only act as built in cryo-module (-minus the dmg)...
What happens in general at lvls 6-7 seems fine to me... can't tell for sure though cause rooms go down real quick. Imo stuff just needs more hp.
About Terminus. After fighting him in the test chamber I think his patterns are actually ok:
First one: Unusual compared with most other patterns, requires big movements and also fitting in between the white bullets if you mess up the timing. Rather hard. So pretty good one.
Second one: Actually easy to dodge but the red waves can suprise and intimidate. Not bad either.
->Those two seem just fine. They also fit the guardian turret theme.
Third one: Completely different than the first two, rather fiddly and not all that easy. So not bad.
Last one: Certainly the weakest and easiest but also the longest and at the end of the fight. Its ok.
->Those two are ok, too. Here things could get more interesting, but as you said normal should not be too hard so might aswell leave them as they are.
->So I think the patterns are alright, they simply need to last quite a bit longer. Instead of 1.5min I'd say more like 5min.
I'd probably try 1.5x more hp for lvl6 and 2x more hp for lvl7+Terminus... but is there no easy way to test stuff? I.e. give yourself realistic xp-lvls and items, then move to lvl6,7,Terminus to see how it goes? Should be easy to fine tune stuff that way.
Oh about Wallmaster and Centrifuge... I can tell why no one complains about Centrifuge: Almost nobody has actually fought him
Haven't seen him myself also many other late game bosses like ShrapnelRose, Fusillade, Agression... On the other hand you will get a Wallmaster every other game (and yes he is super easy).
I'm not sure how this is handled, is it: lvls 1+2 share the early game boss pool (Backfire, Mirror, Wallmaster...), lvl3 has Invader, lvl4 has an own pool with labyrinth and v2 versions(??), lvl6 has the late game pool (Aberration, Centrifuge...).
Anyway, I think right now there is a lack in early bosses while there are more than enough late game bosses. Maybe unfix invader and move some of the easier late types to 3+4?
Other than that, normal bosses and their progression seem pretty good to me (besides lvl6 bosses suffering from lack of hp atm). Also, imo if the main bosses have the right difficulty it doesn't really matter if a normal boss turns out to be a tad easier than the last one.