Author Topic: .137 look and feel feedback  (Read 2126 times)

Offline Bluddy

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.137 look and feel feedback
« on: November 25, 2015, 11:17:28 am »
This update definitely went a long way towards making the game feel more cohesive and 'real'. I really like the shadows, I like that they vary slightly in size as you move around, giving you a feeling of slightly different heights or moving up and down, and I like how the tiles integrate with the rooms better. I also like how there's a frame of shadows around parts of the room. It all contributes to making it feel that much more realistic.
- Can we have some ship/shot shadows on the windows? Or, even better, can we do some reflections? At least for the ships. I'd like to have this feel more like real windows. Maybe we can have some neon alien writing flash on some parts (using the window as a display?), or perhaps parts of the glass could be building up cracks?
- I really think a tiny bit of hover animation on the ships, especially when they stand still, will do wonders. It only needs to be a teeny tiny bit of back and forth movement. Even better if we can occasionally shoot small afterburners in different directions to 'stabilize' the ship. As the ship hovers, it goes up and down slightly, causing the shadow to get smaller and bigger. It'll take away the feeling of everything being too static and still.
- I still don't like the debris graphics. It seems too clean. Perhaps some of the debris can start out in the 1-2 shot phase? The broken debris looks less clean and better integrated into the background.
- I know it's unlikely, but is there any chance of animating the ship as it turns?
All in all, I think the look and feel is much better.

Offline Misery

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Re: .137 look and feel feedback
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2015, 11:28:43 am »
- I still don't like the debris graphics. It seems too clean. Perhaps some of the debris can start out in the 1-2 shot phase? The broken debris looks less clean and better integrated into the background.

Ooh, I like this one, that's a good idea.  

That might be one to put on Mantis to make sure they see it.

Though, you should probably put all of this on there just in case.  I check the forums alot myself, but I think everyone else doesnt really have nearly so much free time to read through stuff on the forums here.

Offline Pumpkin

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Re: .137 look and feel feedback
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2015, 02:55:53 pm »
- I still don't like the debris graphics. It seems too clean. Perhaps some of the debris can start out in the 1-2 shot phase? The broken debris looks less clean and better integrated into the background.

Ooh, I like this one, that's a good idea.  

That might be one to put on Mantis to make sure they see it.

Though, you should probably put all of this on there just in case.  I check the forums alot myself, but I think everyone else doesnt really have nearly so much free time to read through stuff on the forums here.
I like them as they are. I don't think they are debris, just things we don't know what they do. Maybe they're important things or mechanical parts of the ship... Or maybe some sort of metallic plants, or goods carried by the ship... Why do you assumed they are debris?
( ;) )
Please excuse my english: I'm not a native speaker. Don't hesitate to correct me.

Offline nas1m

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Re: .137 look and feel feedback
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2015, 11:07:02 am »
I have to agree. Perspective and the discernability of floors and walls is definitely much improved.
The introduction of even basic shadows also adds significantly to the appearance.
As do the "window borders" at the edge of the starfields.
I can almost associate windows with them now - almost ;).

I am also much in favor a adding some kind of idle animation to the player starship as well as some "banking" when turning.
We are looking at this ship a lot after all...

A couple of questions/suggestions:
  • Would it be possible to "play" a bit with the shadows, e.g. by making them more "dramatic" as in longer/more extreme?
    Or is this not something as easy as a potentially configurable light source?
    I would love to see how the game looks with such a more extreme look. Could add a bit of tension too (in terms of enemies jumping from shadows etc.).
  • Would it be possible to make the "window borders" broader, i.e. provide a thicker rim of floor around the "windows"?
    I might actually be able to see them as what they are supposed to be then. Might be worth a try.
    Just in case I am not the only one who finds it still weird to see that much starfield in every room from within a starship...
Things are definitely shaping up. Keep it up folks!
« Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 11:09:39 am by nas1m »
Craving some more color and variety in your next Bionic run? Grab a boost and a couple of custom floors!

Offline Misery

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Re: .137 look and feel feedback
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2015, 01:13:08 pm »
- I still don't like the debris graphics. It seems too clean. Perhaps some of the debris can start out in the 1-2 shot phase? The broken debris looks less clean and better integrated into the background.

Ooh, I like this one, that's a good idea.  

That might be one to put on Mantis to make sure they see it.

Though, you should probably put all of this on there just in case.  I check the forums alot myself, but I think everyone else doesnt really have nearly so much free time to read through stuff on the forums here.
I like them as they are. I don't think they are debris, just things we don't know what they do. Maybe they're important things or mechanical parts of the ship... Or maybe some sort of metallic plants, or goods carried by the ship... Why do you assumed they are debris?
( ;) )

Well, okay, I admit they dont really LOOK like debris specifically, but I think the smashed up idea would fit because, if I'm remembering this correctly, the Hydral is searching through these ancient smashed up ships, which arent exactly in the greatest condition overall.  It might fit the theme if some things look a bit beat up.

However, it occurs to me that if pre-damaged things are there, they need to NOT be just randomized by the engine or something, but something that can be set as a specific seperate block type when making rooms.  I just thought of that just now.

Offline Pumpkin

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Re: .137 look and feel feedback
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2015, 11:40:32 am »
[ [ Nested Quotes Hell ] ]

Well, okay, I admit they dont really LOOK like debris specifically, but I think the smashed up idea would fit because, if I'm remembering this correctly, the Hydral is searching through these ancient smashed up ships, which arent exactly in the greatest condition overall.  It might fit the theme if some things look a bit beat up.

However, it occurs to me that if pre-damaged things are there, they need to NOT be just randomized by the engine or something, but something that can be set as a specific seperate block type when making rooms.  I just thought of that just now.

Maybe that could be part of a "theming". Some areas are old and busted and have pre-damaged destroyables, and some are more preserved and all their thingies are clean and neat.

I heard there will be more thematic distinctions between levels according to roles each room is supposed to have. I shall admit I'm quite eager to see that.
Please excuse my english: I'm not a native speaker. Don't hesitate to correct me.


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