Author Topic: Redshirts: wait for the new HUD or get in prior? (Plus general beta news)  (Read 7202 times)

Offline Billick

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Not sure if I'm redshirt, but I wouldn't mind testing with the unfinished HUD.  We're getting thrown in the deep end anyway.

Offline ptarth

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I've been on the fence about beta participation, but after processing noun lists I need a change. If you want to anyone else for the alpha-HUD experience, count me in.
Note: This post contains content that is meant to be whimsical. Any belittlement or trivialization of complex issues is only intended to lighten the mood and does not reflect upon the merit of those positions.

Offline x4000

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I think I'm going to wait until Tuesday after all, rather than trying to rush this out Monday.  Not for the HUD, as it turns out, but just general balance.  As Keith continually (rightly) points out, I really should play through the entire game at least once.

Granted, I've "finished" plenty of games, haha -- but in all cases, it was my citizens winding up killing my civilization.  No outside help needed!  The main problem, that I only realized this afternoon, was that I was starting to absolutely drown in trash and disease because of a couple of mis-set variables.  Tuning those things has brought the "oh my god I'm going to die constantly" feeling of the start of the game waaaay down, which is where I want it.  The risk of death in the first 100 turns should be next to nothing -- of course, you might really be sowing the seeds of your later destruction, and if you are really careless then still you can die then.  But it shouldn't be the white-knuckle experience I've been having.  That comes... later. ;)

Anyway, today was a lot of working on the worst interface bits that were really frustrating me (not the main HUD stuff, which is just a lack of organization -- that the new HUD addresses), but rather things like the tech popups, etc.  And then working on the balance of crime, trash, and pollution, with a bonus of figuring out what was causing diseases to be so incredibly deadly so fast.

In the past I got the other aspects of the game feeling the way I wanted, with the crown costs, SP gains and costs and rates of acquisition, the balance of buildings with how they produce and consume energy, the power costs and attack strengths of buildings, the tech tree and its various costs and progressions, etc.  Oh, and the whole supply chain thing for food to meals and that plus housing to a population "cap," along with the way that jobs are handled.  The food supply chain may still need some interface work (there are some things there that bug me that you guys can probably help me figure out), but the actual underlying function of it is good I think.

Anyway, I was so focused on all that before that I somehow missed this glaring combination of trash and pollution feeding into my crime problems.  It makes me wonder what else I missed, and makes me want to have another day of just playing through the game.  There aren't any more interface things bothering me at the moment that need addressing prior to beta, so that puts the focus on pure mechanics now, which is good.

Anywho.  Tuesday. :)
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Offline tbrass

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But I was going to Tosche station to pick up some power converters.

(I would have voted for earlier, but Keith's point is a good one. Still, I would have loved to work on this over the weekend, rather than waiting for the work week...)
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 05:15:47 pm by tbrass »

Offline x4000

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I've been on the fence about beta participation, but after processing noun lists I need a change. If you want to anyone else for the alpha-HUD experience, count me in.

Added you as a redshirt.  If anyone deserves in on that, it's you -- whoo boy on those market item names!  As usual, thanks a ton.
Have ideas or bug reports for one of our games?  Mantis for Suggestions and Bug Reports. Thanks for helping to make our games better!

Offline x4000

  • Chris McElligott Park, Arcen Founder and Lead Dev
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But I was going to Tosche station to pick up some power converters.

You can goof around with your friends when you finish your chores.  I need those droids out in the fields.

(Or something to that effect)
Have ideas or bug reports for one of our games?  Mantis for Suggestions and Bug Reports. Thanks for helping to make our games better!

Offline windgen

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As a redshirt, starting with the old HUD is fine with me

Offline crazyroosterman

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personally I don't really mind what point of the hud you throw me in if I can survive the mental trauma of losing my whole 50 men strong army in mount blade to 15 men at arms then I think I can survive a potentially annoying hud.

Offline x4000

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That made me laugh, with mount and blade. :)
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Offline Zebeast46

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personally I don't really mind what point of the hud you throw me in if I can survive the mental trauma of losing my whole 50 men strong army in mount blade to 15 men at arms then I think I can survive a potentially annoying hud.

Not surprised seeing as Swadians are completely OP.
AI 1 = Chris.

AI 2 = Keith.

Taken from Bognor

Offline Pumpkin

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So sad, I'll be AFK (away from home, in fact) for the first days of the week. I would have given some hours to test on Monday, but knowing I'll miss the very first hours of this game makes me cry :'(

Narf, I'll be fine. I can... read books in the train and... look at the birds flying away and... think to how this game would be cool and then suicide.
Maybe. It would be fine this way. Dunno.

(Ow crap, I'm too tired to write a sensed post. Never mind.)
Please excuse my english: I'm not a native speaker. Don't hesitate to correct me.

Offline Hyfrydle

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I'm fine with whatever you guys decide, loved all your games so far and played Skyward Collapse this weekend was blown away again at the cool emergent gameplay. The constant trying not to win reminded me of playing chess against myself with added god powers so cool :-)

Offline tbrass

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So Chris,

How was your first playthrough?

Offline Mánagarmr

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As it's been lately for me, I'd love to help, but I just don't have the time nor the energy to betatest anything at present. I'll get the game when it's done and I wish you luck! ^_^
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Offline Misery

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The constant trying not to win

That bit certainly made the game unique.... not many devs would come up with such a thing, would they?


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