Author Topic: Blueshirt thoughts partway into a game.  (Read 1226 times)

Offline Aklyon

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Blueshirt thoughts partway into a game.
« on: May 24, 2015, 10:55:23 am »
First thoughts, posted after playing it much to late into last night (tried to make things easier to see from the original huge paragraph, might've overdid it a little?):
Pretty neat effect on the main menu screen, although is there supposed to be 'Trial Mode (TBD)' in the top corner under the game version?

Starting as Zenith because I felt like playing them first, default quick start settings otherwise.
If you swipe the mouse around while its building the map it plops tiles under the cursor (or updates them if you keep moving over a particular spot) Neato. Though then the map jerks to the lander positioning bit of the map.

The right-click details screen reminds me of the planet details in TLF (a good thing, I'd say), but the lack of music definitely feels weird. Its beta though, and iirc you guys put the music in fairly late into betas.

Started out with...quite a bit of liguistics more than I'd expected. 4 in boarine, 3 in spire/fenyn, 2 in peltian, 1 in Skylaxian. But I still can hardly understand a thing, hehe. :)

Note to self: do not put lander near jungle next time when theres a reasonably open plain nearby. Jungle just makes things take longer to build.

The science lab says it can get augmented by computing clusters but has no adjacency bonus? (though I haven't researched the latter yet, might just need to unlock them?)

Zenith social progress power production boost is pretty great!

Zooming out far enough annouced us discovering basically everyone despite having no vision whatsoever (not even clouds, just blackness) on anyone except the thoraxians and peltians. Except the Yali, who showed up later. Should check if theres a mantis for this already later.

Teleporters are pretty awesome. Suddenly placement range! :)

Ohai, saucers from basically everyone else! It looks like very few people like the fenyn, wherever their city is. (found out who the target was from the city grid names) Presumably nearby, if these nearby saucers mean anything.

Sonar scanners say they have near-invisible airborne scouting things. Do they detect the underground from in the air or is it just a copy of the no-scouts tooltip?
Needed to look through the controls menu to find out how to access the underground map to see my sonar results, all I'd been able to find previously was the last sonar surveyed overlay, which just covered everything in hexagonal pink goop until I removed the overlay.

I have no idea how the temperature is working since terraforming is still quite awhile away (besides that its hovering around 12h), but whatever is happening, the Boarines seem determined to go deeper into negative heat (is there a better word for the h letter next to the temp?), and the Burlusts seem to have reduced their comfort minimum a ton to reduce their previously humongous penalty to none. Unsurprised that the Zenith/Spire/Andors/Acutians basically give no craps about the temperature as long as its not too negative heat though!

And then when I went to save on turn 86, I notice theres not an autosave. Good thing it didn't crash! Gonna need to work on reducing pollution later, but it isn't causing me too much problem right now.

Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: Blueshirt thoughts partway into a game.
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2015, 11:53:13 am »
1 yea zenith are a bit over powered at the moment they just kick the other choices out of the water for the most part(at least at the moment in till the racial distinguishing thingy comes around) 2 yea that's a bug I've mantised 3 temperature and terraforming are a different thing terraforming affects the atmospheric mix  basically giving you buffs depending on how much of it is in your favour (I don't think terraforming affects temperature but I could be wrong) 4 computing cores do give adjacency  bonuses it just doesn't tell you in the build menu I've winged about this before I find it quite annoying.

Offline Aklyon

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Re: Blueshirt thoughts partway into a game.
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2015, 02:46:17 pm »
So after a crash (on mantis), some more thoughts:

1. What determines what gets lit up in the top bar? Feel like that would help me figure out what i need to get more population. More food? More water? More restaurants? More housing? Couldn't tell which one I needed, so I build more of all of them. Got up to about 2k or so.

2. I got negative 500ish wounded at somepoint and it hasn't gone away. Can't figure out what happened to mantis it as, but I have a savegame with it, I think.

3. Need to save more often, I do.

4. Terraforming is pretty neat, although it does get hidden if you start by terraforming under your city.

5. Is there any other pollution reducers besides hazmat? I didn't have any major doom happen from it, but they didn't seem to do more than keep it from rising particularly fast.

Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: Blueshirt thoughts partway into a game.
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2015, 04:11:03 pm »
1 when you need more of something it turns red not a very good indicator and a bit confusing to a new fellow I imagine unless he nerds over the numbers 2 you need hospitals to deal with wounded small hospitals(cant remember were you get the small ones) and major hospitals witch you get through emergency medicine along those lines is the disease centre but their as the name implies purely for fighting disease 3 no comment  4 you cant terra under ground unless you mean surrounded by buildings and yes it is neat 4 for 90 per cent of the races no but the felyns terra scrubs for 30 or 40 I cant remember exactly word of warning though the reason their tera is so good at scrubbing is because their hazmats are garbage.

Offline Aklyon

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Re: Blueshirt thoughts partway into a game.
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2015, 04:59:02 pm »
I had hospitals, yes. But one turn I suddenly lost my 30 zenith backlog of wounded and got negative 500ish wounded the turn after the next turn.

Also yes, I had meant the tiles the buildings were on, not underground spots.

Offline Endymion

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Re: Blueshirt thoughts partway into a game.
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2015, 05:19:13 pm »
5. Is there any other pollution reducers besides hazmat? I didn't have any major doom happen from it, but they didn't seem to do more than keep it from rising particularly fast.
Parks and forests clean a little bit of pollution.
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Offline TheVampire100

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Re: Blueshirt thoughts partway into a game.
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2015, 05:34:15 pm »
I think terraformed tiles also clean pollution in small numbers.

Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: Blueshirt thoughts partway into a game.
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2015, 07:08:52 pm »
hu i didn't know all those things cleaned pollution unless vampire is referring to the felyns terra.

Offline tadrinth

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Re: Blueshirt thoughts partway into a game.
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2015, 01:16:33 pm »
Computing clusters are in a category of building with warehouses and guildhalls where you can allocate an extracted resource to them, and then you get the adjacency bonuses from that resource.

IE, I build a Terrarium Dome over some butterflies that give +food production. Then I build a Warehouse and allocate the butterflies to it.  All the farms next to the warehouse get the bonus.

There are resources that are used by computing clusters, though I haven't seen any in my current game yet.