Ugh. Sports.
Never been one for that sort of thing. Used to do golf, sort of, awhile back. Including during high school; since I typically refused to do alot of the crap that was done during physical-ed class or whatever you call it (Football? HAHAHA NO I'll just go stand over here and watch you all crash into each other, thanks) I ended up in a seperate group that did things like leave the school for an hour in a day to go to the local driving range. Led to the bizarre situation of me carrying a golf club everywhere on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sure wouldnt get away with THAT one in any school nowadays. It made sense at the time, probably.
Other than that, uhhh.... walking/hiking, when the craptacular weather permits. And sometimes when it doesnt. Swimming sometimes, though not as often during the cold season. That's really about it. Other exercises are things that can be done around the house, or when I'm at physical therapy. Particularly during winter, now. Will be other options when the accursed weather clears up and gets less frozen. But right now.... ugh.
It is a stereotype that gamers are huge nerds who don't do any physical activity, have no social life and are fugly.
Ugh, I always hated that stupid stereotype. But it's one of those things that never goes away. I always get the impression that people sometimes, after talking with me enough, get this idea that I'm some big, really overweight guy with a strange beard of some sort and, I dunno, acne or something. When IRL I'm somewhat thin and kinda androgynous, and certainly no beard, that's for sure. But since I'm always doing gaming stuff or just PC stuff so much, it's easy to give that sort of impression.
It's funny though, for as much as that stereotype is thrown around, I never actually see many that ACTUALLY fit it. Most other gamers I meet dont even come close to that. Most have hobbies and such outside of just the gaming. That rock climbing for instance, I've heard THAT one a ton of times, that seems oddly popular. I'd just fall off or something if I tried it. But yeah, THAT certainly doesnt exactly fit that stereotype at all!
Feh, hate stereotypes in general, really. One of those things that just irritates me alot, is people getting lumped into some arbitrary category just... because. Usually in an insulting way.