When we last left off we had a paladin a barbarian and a necromancer going. An awesome team.
The barbarian is like Lord Vader, he is a trouble shooter. He goes in, kills the threat, and comes back out. But only for 1v1 is he god like.
The paladin is a beacon of hope. With strong auras and damage and survivability he is great.
I'm the necromancer of course. I have 18 goons running around and are a mass of destruction. Many a time zerg wars break out between enemy mobs and my mobs. Between my mobs and my mercanary wizard, the screen just becomes plunged into chaos as 40 mobs are fighting each other. I clear out everything but bosses easy. But those bosses I need my friendly neighborhood barbarian and paladin to save the day.
Of course, more people are welcomed.