I don't really agree with any of the major reviewers or reviewer outlets, but I think I have much different tastes than most people as well.
Concerning Carrier Command: I was excited about that game too, but being $60, I decided to do some research on it before I purchased it.
First Metacritic - When neither the Critics or the Fans like the game, it's a big warning sign.
Second the Steam Page - Single-Player only...ouch. $60 for a single-player game is untenable for me, I refuse to do it.
Thirdly, the website - Okay so here we have this Carrier that goes around the archipelago, that's neat. It can build units and...
Wait, exactly how many different types of units can it build? Holy crap, it can build 1 helijet, 1 type of tank, and some kind of drone thing? I'm supposed to spend hundreds of hours playing this with 3 (albeit modifiable) units and a Carrier? I don't think so.
Then I started trying to find some information about the game's AI (which will basically be your opponent for all those lonely hours), and I didn't hear anything good.
After I review all the relevant sources of research, I put a price together in my head for how much I think the game is worth, then compare it to the game's actual cost, then decide whether I want to buy it. For Carrier Command in its current state? $5
BTW Keith, what was your favorite game that got bad reviews?