You mean Alien - The movie? ;P That came already out.. hihi
Well obviously. I said I'm excited to see how it all
connects to Alien.
Yeah, it definitely didn't live up to the reputation or quality of its predecessor (irony intended), but I still enjoyed it for the deep philosophical context. I suppose that people who don't watch movies for that reason may have hated it. I loved the theme of "searching for god" and "finding meaning through your creator" who ends up hating you in the end.
Ridley Scott even wrestled with the idea for making the execution of Jesus as the cause for the Engineers' mysterious hatred for humans, but thought better of it in the end. I guess Jesus would have been some kind of "savior" sent by the Engineers to help humanity, and then of course he's crucified instead.
I just think the hidden message of "quit worrying so much about who created you and enjoy your life" and "quit trying to life forever" were really important messages that we could all learn from. The messages of how futile and even dangerous it is to put such an emphasis on looking for meaning fanatically through your "creators", so much so that you would do "anything and everything it takes" to find the "answers". With the recent attacks of religious extremists in the world today, it seems very relevant to us even now.
I think in the end (the next movie), Elizabeth is going to find that there are no answers. Maybe the Engineers don't even have a good reason for wanting to wipe out humanity. Do we have a good reason for massacring all the species we have and continue to kill daily? 99.9% of species that have ever lived on the Earth have died. Statistically speaking, we will probably be a part of that number; it's overwhelmingly likely. We're already setting the stage for our own destruction, which is, in large part, due to the kind of religious fanaticism you see in the movie by the two scientists.
I think my favorite part of the whole movie was when the android asked Charlie why he thought the humans created him? Charlie's reply was, "Because we could". And the android looked visibly hurt in that scene and said, "Can you imagine how disappointing it would be to hear that from your creators?"
Like I said, the movie's execution left a lot to be desired, but the philosophical themes that it tackled were extremely important in my opinion.