On Steam there is no market for Nancy Drew games, ALL of them sold 20k units under statistical average for indy games on Steam and since it's recurring series most of the owners of 1 own ALL/MOST of them. And hence I wrote what you think is so chauvinist when it is a sound advice for indy devs. If you make a game targeted at females then don't think you can earn money on Steam with it. Instead look for alternatives, but whatever you do, do not just focus on STEAM. I've got no idea where Nancy Drew games sell, but they don't sell 10 million on Steam Not even remotely
So what exactly is your point and why do you think a personal insult is going to help it? You are projecting meaning in my words that is not there.
I don't know if there is a language barrier here, but who said Nancy Drew sells 10 million on steam? Let's not make straw man arguments. You said that 18% of steam is female. I am countering that 18% of 10 million users on steam (a number from the steam active user graph) is a viable target audience.
The point was that you quoted wikipedia impossible to proof numbers vs I showed you actual ownership numbers on Steam for *all* Nancy Drew games
Maybe I should have said "It's far less impressive when you consider there are tons of these games, and their alleged median sale stat
per game globally is 350k , of which only
10k per game are on Steam) leaving 340k
outside of steam. That remaining 340K average sales
per game is an audience you do not reach when you put your game on Steam and market the game like Nancy Drew is marketed."
To me there is no question that as dev you have to make your game at the very least gender neutral... would it be better if I said that instead of "make no game for women" in first post bullet point list ? Doesn't that mean the same thing? Of all the choices you have when making games, the one I picked out is the *worst possible one* according to the sales stats.... the other choices are gender neutral and marketed towards males.
Either way, since you started off by insulting me you forced me to enter into argumentative mode
Also Steam has 128 million accounts, 30 million unique active users the past 2 weeks. At the very least 53 million active accounts of some kind. So 10k or 70k sales is REALLY bad for a game on steam. Even AI War, an
absolute niche hardcore RTS title, has 260,414 owners ! (just to put numbers of Nancy drew and Magical Diary into perspective). Even Huniepop has 129,855. For some reason SteamSpy is filtering out data for Nekopara... wonder why.
Either way, you seriously interpreted ill intention in my post where there was none. I will change my first post to word that one line less misleading.