Craft another one instead of complaining that you cant deal with opponents stuff because you are lacking essential removal? Get a couple of peacekeepers while on it too. Also having not much in terms of burst is pally's weakness, so you are getting countered as well.
The crafting idea would be super duper.... if I wasnt entirely out of dust, and out of cards that I'm willing to turn into dust. I wouldnt have mentioned it otherwise, as I'm not very patient when I have to wait for something, so I would have just already done it.
Which actually showcases my OTHER problem with the game: Not enough options yet. Certain cards end up being in *every* deck, or nearly every deck, for the classes they are a part of, because there just isnt anything else to really choose from for that slot that can occupy that role. The mage's Flamestrike, for example. Pretty much always there. There just isnt really any other options that might be chosen INSTEAD of that. And that's boring. It's like having a card slot that's already selected FOR you. Obviously not EVERY deck ever uses that, for mages, but it's so freakishly common that it may as well be that way. Or the fact that the consecration combo is "essential board clear", having to nearly always be there for Paladins is also kinda dull.
As for that second bit... that's part of the problem to me. The solution to that transformation card is "use alot of burst". If I happen to be playing a class that isnt made of burst... that's kind of a dumb reason for the thing to suddenly become nigh-unstoppable. I consider it unbalanced because I've yet to hear of a DIFFERENT way to stop it other than "do a whole 15 damage really super fast somehow". While it farts out 6/6 minions for 2. While playing other cards.
From a perspective of someone who haven't really played nor liked MTG, i would find Ysera unplayable if it required 2 other minions. Just 9 mana is actually a big risk, cause you are pretty much have to skip turn and its actually pretty difficult to find perfect time to play 9 mana card at times. Dr.Boom only one legendary that i can think of that is being edgy, but thats likely to get hit with nerfhammer as there were cards in the past that every deck ran that got hit.
The thing about Ysera though: Once it's out, it's nothing BUT positives. Which is my problem with high-rarity cards as a whole. There's no thought process in using Ysera; you just play it at the right moment, and if you have it in your deck, you probably have something specific in there to protect it. It becomes a pretty simple play, and it merely needs to exist to provide constant, strong benefits. In MTG, it's not that simple. You have to figure out a good way to get the thing out.... but then you ALSO have to deal with the challenge of KEEPING it out while not screwing yourself over. This is what keeps high-power cards from ending up like Jaraxxus: A card with that guy's power would have some detrimental effect that gave it an actual risk-reward sort of thing. Not JUST in "how much it costs", but in other interesting ways as well that complicates the decisions you have to make. Manage to keep him out safely, and you have great power.... but screw up, and he'll explode in your face. This ALSO increases the amount of potential strategic options available to BOTH players when said card is out, and adds to the complexity as such. That sort of thing is why I still like MTG more than any other game I've yet encountered. This one just doesnt do that. EVERY TCG manages the "direct cost = difficulty in playing", so HS having that at all doesnt mean much. It's that nothing restrictive happens once they're already out, and that there's very rarely an ADDITIONAL cost, that bugs the hell outta me. Even if I'm the one playing the card in question. As such I dont find Ysera to actually be very entertaining to use. I still LIKE that card, mind you, I just think it isnt all that interesting.
And if you really don't like constructed, just play arena and friendly challenges, or fun decks like Randuin Wrynn, rank really doesn't matters currently anyways.
Constructed is what I'm used to with these, so I'll end up doing it the most. Arena has a cost to it, which annoys me a bit; typically when I'm interested in a particular mode in a particular game, I'm probably going to want to play it like 20 times in a row; cannot do that with Arena. So I've ended up just not having very much interest and have just been using gold on card packs.
Currently though I am indeed somewhat ignoring the ranked mode, which is typical for me in some types of competitive games (like MOBAs, argh argh argh). Part of that though is also that I find it to be a good way to learn the cards, particularly as I refuse to "netdeck", this being because I find it kinda boring. I get more satisfaction and fun if I just do it myself.
Also dont take my comments though to be as harsh as they might sound, because I *always* sound like this even about games I absolutely love (I call myself Misery for alot of reasons, and that's one of them, is my inherant negativity). Minecraft currently reigns as my favorite game overall, but I could probably rant for 3 pages about problems that I think it has. Or MTG: I ramble about it's values, and I do think it's fantastic, and I've been playing it since the Ice Age set (which is downright ancient at this point) but.... yep, another multi-page rambling wordblob for that one, I could write.