So, you're saying I should wait for the bundle?
If it happens to be in a bundle that also contains stuff worth getting, sure. Get it accidentally and see for yourself.
Frankly, AI is just going to be a problem for nearly every 4X game. It needs to have the ability to be modded, or it will be quickly exploited. Stars beyond reach will have the same problem. AI war already has this problem, but you can compensate for it because there are so many challenging things you can add to the game to make it harder.
Yes, AI is hard. But still lots of games manage to either make sufficiently good AI, or design their game in a way that lets it work without. EL did neither, and ended up complete unchallenging for it. Yes, you can always just turn up the difficulty and heap bonuses on the enemy, but that doesn't really, in itself, make for a better game. In my time playing EL the AI just sat around and did either nothing at all or nothing that could've ever worked, to the point where completely random behaviour would've probably been better. And that's just a great deal worse than what many 4X have already achieved.
Some of the reviews for 4X games on this forum can't be relied upon, anyway. There's a natural negative slant on this forum about this particular genre to the point that we can't enjoy the fun parts about games without focusing on the bad. Shrugging, I don't know who you think you're sticking it to by pirating, but it's not cool. There is no game or situation where I would say that stealing somebody work is cool. Certainly not because you think they do bad work therefore it's okay or something like that.
I don't buy games unless they're either dirt cheap (bundles, 90% discounts, freeware) or so good that I really want to support the developer. These days I'm too poor to just buy a game on impulse and see if it works; I did that with ES and the ES expansion and got burned pretty bad, because by Jove I cannot see what you like about that abomination of bad design. And by paying full price for ES, I hope I can somewhat buy myself the right to judge in this case; in your eyes. So yes: it's bad, therefore it's okay for me to not pay for it, because it's not really stealing - in a world with perfectly accurate game reviewers or demos, I could've saved myself the effort and seen right in advance that I'd dislike EL. But lacking that kind of accurate information, and having relied on inaccurate info for ES already, I could've either abstained or made the same mistake again. I did want to give amplitude another chance though, especially in light of all the good reviews. (And in trying to soften the feeling sunk cost.)
If EL had been good, I'd have bought it on a discount by now. If it had been really good, I'd have bought it right after playing it, at a full price. But it was truly horrible sans saving graces, I deleted it and never considered getting it again, saving me some money that I could instead donate to Bay12, spend on more Arcen games, throw at Illwinter or invest in a bundle of bundles.
That's my system that let's my play games on a severely limited budget, while paying those who make good ones.
I think that's effectively better than the alternative.