You're pissed with it because it didn't deliver on the hype. It was underwhelming, a chore to play and just not what anyone was really expecting.
Eh... I don't know.
I'll speak only for myself. When I look at it, I got all it promised: a strategy game, heir of TA and SupCom, with spherical maps, one layer higher than air (space), planet smashing... We even got the return of bot/tank (it was in TA but SupCom tied them into "land") and the SupCom's experimental units in the form of the titans. Objectively, we've got all we paid for. Still personally, I think that MY actual reason for that is that I'm a PvE player to the core. I don't play SupCom neither despite the fact it has a vivid community (FAForever) because I'm not interested in PvP. Same thing for StarCraft: I blazed through the HotS campaign, was disappointed, didn't touched it's PvP (despite I spent a bunch of time on WoL's PvP) and didn't bought LotV. And incidentally, AIW is my favorite RTS, by a huge margin.
Oh, god... Derailing... is... contagious...