General Category > In Case Of Emergency, Release Raptor

Teaser Trailer 1: In Case Of Emergency, Release Raptor

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I dunno what I was expecting. But not that. That was pretty sweet! Nicely done!

I'm in the average (for once).

1) I love the music. GG to both Vegas!
2) The very serious tone is surprising, knowing how few seriously the project began. But I love it.

(We went from a robot dating simulator joke to... that. :o )

Personal mention: I love the Arcenverse being tied together and I eager for more explanations, especially between RR and BD (Who's behind these robots? Why?), and between RR and AIW. (800 years? Civil war?)

Anyway, I'm very please with the more serious tone you're pouring in this. I already decided to buy it, but now I CAN'T WAIT!
Teaser's effective.


--- Quote from: Pumpkin on May 14, 2016, 06:15:57 am ---I'm in the average (for once).

1) I love the music. GG to both Vegas!
2) The very serious tone is surprising, knowing how few seriously the project began. But I love it.

(We went from a robot dating simulator joke to... that. :o )

Personal mention: I love the Arcenverse being tied together and I eager for more explanations, especially between RR and BD (Who's behind these robots? Why?), and between RR and AIW. (800 years? Civil war?)

Anyway, I'm very please with the more serious tone you're pouring in this. I already decided to buy it, but now I CAN'T WAIT!
Teaser's effective.

--- End quote ---
joke? what joke? I was never joking id pay actual money to play something well thought out with those elements in it.

This is really the best trailer/teaser I have yet seen from you guys.


--- Quote from: nas1m on May 14, 2016, 10:28:09 am ---This is really the best trailer/teaser I have yet seen from you guys.

--- End quote ---
I wouldn't say it's the best. It really doesn't say a thing at all about the game or what it's about. I guess that's the point of a teaser. But it's definitely the most engaging and most "high production value".


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