hey folks,
first off... picked up bionic a couple of days ago and its a brilliant game! without a doubt the most polished 1.0 i have ever seen from you guys... really hoping sales pick up and you can keep up the dev on this one. I'm 24 hours in now and thoroughly hooked
on the pistol question... one possible buff that might give the weapon a tactical edge and also make upgrading the weapon itself worthwhile (rather than simply applying system wide buff parts) is to make firing the pistol a 'free action' - that is, firing the pistol once allows you to make another move/fire another weapon before the enemy gets a turn...
(note - the pistol would have to go on 'cooldown' util the next action was selected to avoid the possibility of endlessly spamming a 'free action' weapon, also swapping to another mech would probably have to be disabled aswell - until the next real turn - to stop too much cheesy use of this when opening doors)
this would give the brawler a nice way of opening doors/clearing cover from close up while still retaining the action point to unload its shotgun at the bot waiting behind the door/cover. the science bot would get the extra turn to move out the line of fire having scanned the area behind the door, drop a sentry gun where the door/cover was, quickly apply a virus to the waiting bot, etc...
would also give the two exos in question a nice way of boosting damage on a single target by combining the pistol damage first with another attack to follow.... you'd be limited by the range on the pistol for that kind of boost though.
seems like this might be genuinely useful while at the same time not playing too much into RNG randomness - thereby maintaining the very well thought out tactical ruleset of the game.... and hopefully not too OP/cheesy?! thoughts?
also... while I personally dislike the random effect idea others have posted (too much risk of a terrible backfire would mean i would almost never use it) i think that perhaps it might be possible to implement a new type of upgrade part which can only be installed on pistols and would give the weapon one of a selection of buffs/special effects... i.e. disable movement for x turns, reduce attack by % for x turns, nano-repair ammo (repair % of damage to virus infected ally), nano-disease ammo (apply damage over time effect to targeted robot, which would stack on repeateded applications) etc... you would use an upgrade slot on the weapon for adding this ability to your pistol thereby adding a 'cost' to such a choice, perhaps depending on the effect other things could be capped (i.e. with effect X the max range for the pistol is capped at Y)... but i think that maybe such an upgrade could also remove the 'free action' status of the pistol... so if you have your pistol loaded with 'disabling' ammo you loose the free action bonus but gain a different tactical advantage... more options, more tactical choice.
i think these ideas together would make the pistol a much more interesting side arm and would really bring it into play much more... what do you all think?