Parasite, Metabolizing, Nanocaust. - Answered. Also changed ingame.
-Tooltip suggests you need 10k special damage. However, the vast majority of this damage is at least an order of magnitude higher, and no information on how it might splash exists. Is there a reason for this overkill, and how does the mechanic ACTUALLY work. Also, it seems kinda dominating right now.
Zombie Decay. - Answered
-Apparently they decay over time, or maybe only on your planets? No tooltip data given. Zombies should have a condition tooltip.
Drone Decay/Mechanics. - Answered
-Drones seem to act like zombies who don't wander. They also seem to have a condition that says they die 3 seconds after their factory ship leaves the planet. Do they rebuild before dying, do they even return to the ship, and if not, why? Again, Tooltip condition should be more specific.
Experience. - Answered. And still weird.
-Several questions here, especially how it interacts with multiple fleets.
First of all, tooltip is inconsistant. With 8 fleets, it says experience is reduced by 10%, but the final number, along with "Reduced by 60% because of Tier difference" ends up dropping it to 6%. This implies it was backwards, or completely wrong. should be reduced by 90% and 40%, or else reduced TO 10% and 60%.
-Secondly, given you are expected to spread your ships over more fleets for better control, the fact that adding another fleet, with just one ship line has the full penalty seems wrong. Should probably have it look at number of ship lines (And their Tiers) instead. Also, it might be better to have it be based on how outnumbered or how much you outnumber, by fleetpower, rather that raw numbers or tier. Essentially how hard the fight is.
Bubble Shield Piercing. - Answered
-Is this entirely removed? Or is it just uncommon? Is there anything like a Raid starship or Plasma starship anymore? Or is it all brute forcing down shields?
Fleet Bubble Shield - Answered
-Is there going to be any bubble shields without a damage penalty, or is that going to be universal now?
Ship Type Count - Answered
-Is it intended that you have many more lines of ships than AIWar I? As in, you always had 3 base ships, plus 1 bonus ship, and maybe 5 more types by the end of the game, and also a bunch of starship types. Here, it seems like there are more random, and less concrete of everything. The enemy seems to as well.
That said, I might be wrong here, and it only seems that way since I have yet to get used to all the new ship types.
Identical plus ability ships. - Unanswered
-Is it intended to have ship types which are identical in all ways, except they have a bonus ability? As in, equal metal, power, health, shield, all traits, damage, cooldown, range. And then it has a new ability, or cloaking, but otherwise is identical? Why a pure buff, why not a tradeoff?
Transport Blitz. - Answered, and Changed ingame.
-I now entirely see why transports got so heavily nerfed back in AIWar 1. Being able to pick up your whole fleet, run into an enemy planet, send one transport to each guard post, unload everything, target each guard post, and obliterate an otherwise terrifying Eye is kinda rediculous.
I am unsure whether this is a problem or not however. Given you are expected to have that transport as the core of your fleet, it seems right. On the otherhand, its micromanagement heavy and seems cheaty. Also later in the game it is more likely to be crippled, but that isn't a large penalty. Past that, unloading a wing of bombers and vaporizing a guard post is kinda amusing.
One Line of a type per ship - Answered, and Changed ingame.
-Why is this the case? If I get two groups of bombers, why can't they go in the same fleet? I mean, if I get bombers and Heavy Bombers, that is allowed, and if I get a fusion bomb frigate, and a parasite fusion bomb frigate, they also coexist, so why this restriction?
Wormhole Dancing. - Answered
-The ships with wormhole overcharge abilities, is it intended for you to be able to have them move in and out of wormholes constantly for enhanced performance? Not really sure I would bother without a lot of them, but seems wrong.
Brutal Brownouts. - Answered.
-In AI war 1, brownouts were extremely dangerous, but you could power down, scrap, or add more power generation. This was scary, but handle-able. Here, the 60 second shutdown is extremely brutal. More importantly, you still can't have autotoggling metal-to-energy converters, meaning you have to either run an expensive surplus, or watch very carefully, and scrap a ton of stuff if you think you are going to lose a planet.
-That remains currently cost power, even before being rebuilt doesn't help, but I am pretty sure that is a bug.
AntiBubble Modifier overcomplicated? - Added to Mantis
-The ships with anti shield bubble modifiers appear to be overcomplicated.
-If target has 10k+ Bubble Shield health, gain modifier of X damage vs Shields or Shield Bubbles.
-However, there are several isssues.
-Why 10k+. Why not just "Has shield Bubble"
-Second, Why Vs Shield or Shield Bubbles? You can't have both, and it can't trigger otherwise.
-Obviously, there is an Antishield damage modifier, but I think there should be an AntiShield, AntiBubble, and AntiShieldAndBubble modifier. If only for simplifying tooltips.