I wouldn't put it that way but basically yes
I don't mean to say you aren't competent enough to produce a good sequel despite the common trend with game sequels but... all that jazz ontop of what AI wars already is would create some sort of super ultimate spire dreadnought version of the game that a sequel can't reach. There are definitely content additions and gameplay shifts that I'd love to see but even there -instead of replacing core gameplay aspects with them - they'd be so much better as !optionial! DLC or mod based minor factions.
For exmaple, I'm sure not everyone would want to play with ships that let's say are focused on active abilities and level ups kinda like capital ships in SINS. So why make them an integral part of the new game when you can just keep the old game and make it one the houndreds of options?
Other changes like a better ship formation system, mod support, etc can be applied to both a sequel and a rework so there is nothing to be gained here.
I simply don't see the plus side of having a sequel instead of a rework.