It seems to me that capturing Core Fabricator with a Neinzul ship type is a very unattractive option, and probably not worth the AIP to do so. Since the primary usefulness of a Neinzul ship is its cheap price and quick spammability, the Fabricator, which is located at one fixed point in the galaxy, can only realistically reinforce the surrounding planets.
However, Intergalactic Warp Gates create another problem, since the 2 minute delay time renders the main advantage of Neinzul ships practically useless.
I have therefore devised a poll with a few options to fix this problem.
1. Give Intergalactic Warpgates a knowledge upgrade that removes the 2 minute delay.
Personally I like this option the best because it also increases the usefulness of many non-Neinzul ships like Cutlasses and Microfighters as well (as well as opening up some new strategies).
2. Give Neinzul ships (or perhaps Neinzul Fabricators specifically) no 2 minute wait time if they use the Intergalactic Warpgate.
3. Do nothing, this isn't a problem.
Thanks for voting. Whatever the highest rated option is, I'll report it to Mantis.
Edit: New Poll Option 2.0 -
4. Fabricators can never spawn with Neinzul Ships.
This solution just kind of circumvents the problem altogether.
5. Core Neinzul Ships have take no attrition damage.
Thanks to Keith for the suggestion.
Updated poll. Please vote again.