Because none of the increases would be worth it.
20 AIP gets me a CSG, 3000 k, 150,000 operational energy, m+c income, strategic positioning, and (often) some other bonus (fab, ARS, FactIV). This would render the best strategy to include 8 frigates for no AI response, and do only one nebula.
I might accept, grudgingly, a flat additive increase (preferably something like 1 invisible AIP per five minutes until you hit a max) of about 20, but the current proposed solution would lead to the strong sense of "why do I even bother, the AI gets just as much" that other minor factions (golems and spirecraft hard) have so valiantly avoided.
I think that a nebula pacer would be better.
Or, other nasty things activated by the AI (select some, varying intensity possible):
Allow for (rare) triple waves. Also slightly increases wave frequencey.
Champion defence fund, as outlined by Techsy730.
Occasionally spawn an HK to try to kill the champ, preferably at the worst possible moment.
Have nebula enemies emerge from deep space (you gain allies, you should gain enemies).
Give the Homeworlds something iff a champion is present.
Champion nemesis.
I would strongly prefer anything in that list to an AIP increase, especially one that scales with champion level.