Author Topic: Ship Selection Suggestions  (Read 1218 times)

Offline Revenantus

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Ship Selection Suggestions
« on: June 29, 2009, 04:42:12 pm »
Would it be possible, assuming that there is a scout in the system, to have an option to display the number of non-cloaked enemy ships that are currently inside a given selection box as a number at the top left/right of the box? Sometimes when attacking a system I'd like to be able to drag a square around an enemy command station and read off how many ships are currently defending it.

Perhaps additionally icons for the enemy ship types that are inside the selection box could be displayed somewhere, although I suppose this might look a tad cluttered.

The same system would also be useful for friendly ships - I'd often like to know just how many ships I'm about to select before I release left-click.

When combined these two features would be a quick way of gauging friendly vs AI strength in a given area of a gravity well, instead of just overall.

Finally, is there a way of selecting just a certain ship type from a given selection? e.g. I select all the ships guarding a particular wormhole, I now decide I just want all the cruisers in that selection.

Offline x4000

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Re: Ship Selection Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2009, 04:47:50 pm »
Would it be possible, assuming that there is a scout in the system, to have an option to display the number of non-cloaked enemy ships that are currently inside a given selection box as a number at the top left/right of the box? Sometimes when attacking a system I'd like to be able to drag a square around an enemy command station and read off how many ships are currently defending it.

Perhaps additionally icons for the enemy ship types that are inside the selection box could be displayed somewhere, although I suppose this might look a tad cluttered.

The same system would also be useful for friendly ships - I'd often like to know just how many ships I'm about to select before I release left-click.

I like the idea of doing a little red and little blue (and yellow, if allies are there) numeric tally by selection boxes.  I think that will really help out, like you say.  I think the icons would look pretty cluttered, though, so I'm going to pass on that for now, but we'll see what you think after the first part is in there.  Added to my list!

When combined these two features would be a quick way of gauging friendly vs AI strength in a given area of a gravity well, instead of just overall.

Yeah, I love that.  That's really cool, and I don't know of another game that has this. I suspect we'll all be wondering how we ever lived without this before too long.  :)

Finally, is there a way of selecting just a certain ship type from a given selection? e.g. I select all the ships guarding a particular wormhole, I now decide I just want all the cruisers in that selection.

Yep, just click the blue selection button and it brings up a popup menu.  Left-click to just select a sub-type (but that is by type and level -- so Mark I cruisers, not just cruisers as a whole).  Alternately, just right-click to remove the ones you DON'T want.  So just hold shift and right click everything that's not a cruiser, and viola -- just the cruisers selected.  I've added this to my list to add to the wiki...
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Offline Revenantus

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Re: Ship Selection Suggestions
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2009, 04:55:40 pm »
I'd just like to add - your cloaking booster mechanic is absolutely ingenious - I can't think of another RTS where scouting has such depth.

My cloaking suggestions seem foolish now :P.

Offline x4000

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Re: Ship Selection Suggestions
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2009, 05:19:17 pm »
Thanks!  I'm really pleased with the cloaking booster, too -- it was our conversation that spawned the idea, though, so some of the credit goes to you. You had a lot of good suggestions in there.  :)
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