Arming Extermination Cannon...
- Remains Rebuilders won't always rebuild energy collectors (or matter converters) when there isn't enough power
8 (6.3%)
- When using the apply to selection on something that is under contruction, the build progress is reset.
5 (3.9%)
- When a plasma siege starship's FF splash damages a command center no warning is given
6 (4.7%)
- AI wave ships attacked and now they won't move
2 (1.6%)
- Ships in FRD not always regathering at FRD point
6 (4.7%)
- Collision ejection overcompensates frequently
8 (6.3%)
- Chat messages not wrapping
2 (1.6%)
- Auto-kiting units sometimes kite out of range
5 (3.9%)
- Cloaked unit sidebar icon gives ship types
2 (1.6%)
- (for turrets) Make most base ship caps a multiple of 8 to fix ultra-low ship cap rounding errors skewing balance
10 (7.9%)
- Regenerated AI ships through Neinzul Scapegoats trigger Neinzul Clusters
- 0 (0%)
- AI units sometimes not moving into attack range
1 (0.8%)
- AI unit movement jumpy
1 (0.8%)
- AI Ships waiting to enter wormholes sometimes go through anyways
1 (0.8%)
- Freed AI Melee Units that are waiting at a wormhole don't always attack
2 (1.6%)
- "Defensive Hybrids are mobilizing" doesn't seem to do anything
12 (9.4%)
- AI Neinzul regen chamber causes really stupid behavior
5 (3.9%)
- AI Units wait too long before retreating to a carrier guardian
1 (0.8%)
- Mine line placing bug
7 (5.5%)
- FRD Patrol Mechanics still not working correctly
7 (5.5%)
- Many special structures seeding only for first AI Player
21 (16.5%)
- Units avoid attacking hybrids if possible
15 (11.8%)
Total Members Voted: 0