Author Topic: Prerelease 1.005G now available.  (Read 11337 times)

Offline x4000

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2009, 08:28:47 pm »
I'm playing in a 40 planet one, just to get a feel for things.  I plan on doing a 80 planet one next, and up a difficulty or two, 3 has been pretty easy so far.

Awesome, that's really cool.  I'm glad to hear from people who are playing the smaller maps (less than 80), since that's a recent addition and not something that I've extensively tested the balance of myself.  Glad it's been pretty reasonable and fun -- in an 80 planet map, as you might imagine, it is much harder just to find the stuff you want to capture, let alone capture them. :)

I've hopped over three planets so far, and just found one of the A.I.'s core command stations.  Not certain my current fleet is up to the job, but going to try anyways.  Those cutlass's make short work of things when you've got Mk III and IV ones, they burned through a quarter of an ion cannon in about 30 seconds.  They all died doing it, but that's pretty handy.

Sweet, sounds like you're being very effective in general there.  Nice work!

Interesting, I could see that happening, but the only things in the system were the 4 Mk I cruisers.  When I was giving them a move order to go through the Cruisers, once they got close they would stop completely.  If I get attacked again by cruisers somewhere, I'll see if I can duplicate it.  In mixed battles they've been working perfectly.

Hmm, okay, this must have something to do with their preference to not attack stuff that they will just kill themselves on, or something along those lines.  When you give your cutlasses move orders, by the way, they will not attack enemies until they reach the end and then retarget.  This is by design, since if you wanted them to chase and kill enemies you'd just leave them alone (or I guess put them in attack-move mode or free-roaming defender).

I have another hypothesis to try on you:  can you check that planet where this happened, and see if there are any cloaked ships there?  As in, probably mines?  You should be able to see their count on the galaxy map intel summary, unless it was something that decloaked and attacked you at the time.  Cutlasses should not react to cloaked ships unless those ships decloak, but it just occurred to me as something to wonder about, if it turns out this is a bug.  I doubt you'll find anything, but thought I'd ask while you are still in the same scenario.

Speaking of which, I love the way ships choose who to attack in this.  It's fun watching them all move on to a new target because the old one, while still currently alive and kicking, has 100 missiles enroute to ruin his day.

Haha, awesome -- yeah, Keith's suggestions on this front were really good, I think this really ups the feeling of power that players have.  Glad that's a hit!
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Offline freykin

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2009, 08:44:28 pm »
I checked the planet, and there's nothing cloaked there.  Which doesn't surprise me too much, since it's my home planet :)  I can see them not wanting to kill themselves on units though, and it's such a specific scenario that I doubt anyone else will have a problem with it.

I'm currently bombarding the core command station, which is taking quite some time.  I've only managed to research one other Mk II ship besides the Cutlass, which is the Cruiser.  Since the core command station is destroying every incoming missile, it's become a wait for the 64,000,000 hp to drop kind of thing.  Good to know that I can't use Cruisers for everything.  I do have a good amount of bombers and space tanks there, but since they're Mk I... I'm sure you get the picture :).  I'm planning on researching Mk II bombers next, so when I run into the next one it will be easier to deal with.

Offline x4000

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2009, 08:53:59 pm »
I checked the planet, and there's nothing cloaked there.  Which doesn't surprise me too much, since it's my home planet :)  I can see them not wanting to kill themselves on units though, and it's such a specific scenario that I doubt anyone else will have a problem with it.

Ah, got it. :)

I'm currently bombarding the core command station, which is taking quite some time.  I've only managed to research one other Mk II ship besides the Cutlass, which is the Cruiser.  Since the core command station is destroying every incoming missile, it's become a wait for the 64,000,000 hp to drop kind of thing.  Good to know that I can't use Cruisers for everything.  I do have a good amount of bombers and space tanks there, but since they're Mk I... I'm sure you get the picture :).  I'm planning on researching Mk II bombers next, so when I run into the next one it will be easier to deal with.

Yikes, sounds like you need to go steal some knowledge.  That may be one balance issue with the smaller maps -- it's assumed that you would have Mark III and Mark IV bombers, and lots of them, by the time you hit the AI core command stations.  It still takes a good little while with even them, though.

Yep, cruisers (like anything else) definitely can't be used to the exclusion of all else.  The presence of those tanks should at least help with the speed at which the health on the core command station goes down, but that's still quite a bit of a wait...
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Offline freykin

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2009, 08:57:51 pm »
I know it's pretty early for me to be hitting one, since I've only grabbed 4 planets besides the one I started on.  I did some heavy scouting early on and just went in the direction that had research/factories, and it led me right to a core command station.  It's all that is left in it's system, so I figure might as well take it down since I'm there already.  I've got it at about 70% right now.

From what I can tell, difficulty 3 is an excellent one to learn the game on, as while it isn't too tough on raids, it does make you have to pay attention to them, and the defenses they put up can be pretty intense to punch through.  I'm playing against a Sledge Hammer and Fortress Baron, mainly because last I randomed I'm pretty certain I got two turtles, and I wanted to have an A.I. that attacked too.

Offline x4000

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2009, 08:58:16 pm »
You know, the experience you are having there is making me certain that I want to increase knowledge amounts on the smaller maps.  That will be in the next prerelease.
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Offline freykin

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2009, 09:00:14 pm »
I wouldn't increase it by too much.  I pretty much beelined right to the core command station, so part of the tradeoff is I have less resources and knowledge coming in.  On the flip side, the A.I. progress is only at 9.

Offline x4000

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2009, 09:00:30 pm »
I know it's pretty early for me to be hitting one, since I've only grabbed 4 planets besides the one I started on.  I did some heavy scouting early on and just went in the direction that had research/factories, and it led me right to a core command station.  It's all that is left in it's system, so I figure might as well take it down since I'm there already.  I've got it at about 70% right now.

Well, I suppose that's faster than it could be -- and yes, that is super early in the game considering how few planets you have taken, so good worth there.  That sort of proximity is only possible on the smaller maps, so take advantage of it while you can. :)

From what I can tell, difficulty 3 is an excellent one to learn the game on, as while it isn't too tough on raids, it does make you have to pay attention to them, and the defenses they put up can be pretty intense to punch through.  I'm playing against a Sledge Hammer and Fortress Baron, mainly because last I randomed I'm pretty certain I got two turtles, and I wanted to have an A.I. that attacked too.

Ah, that's good to know.  Seems like a lot of players are starting out around 3, and finding that pretty comfortable, so that's nice to have that consensus.
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Offline x4000

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2009, 09:01:24 pm »
I wouldn't increase it by too much.  I pretty much beelined right to the core command station, so part of the tradeoff is I have less resources and knowledge coming in.  On the flip side, the A.I. progress is only at 9.

Hmm, that's a good point.  I'll do less of an increase than I was previously thinking, so we'll see what happens with that.
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Offline freykin

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #23 on: June 08, 2009, 09:04:45 pm »
When it goes up, I'll give it a whirl on the 40 planet setting, and try to duplicate my current beeline for the command station, to see how much of a difference it makes in what I have available.

Edit: quick question, how exactly do shields function?  I know what they tend to do in games, but I'm not certain in this one.

Edit 2: I just managed to duplicate my earlier Cutlass scenario, and this time they're fighting fine.  How odd.

Edit 3: 50%!  I've got a space dock in their territory, so just building anything I'm not at the cap of yet.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 09:11:05 pm by freykin »

Offline x4000

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #24 on: June 08, 2009, 09:18:34 pm »
When it goes up, I'll give it a whirl on the 40 planet setting, and try to duplicate my current beeline for the command station, to see how much of a difference it makes in what I have available.

Okay -- the increased cap will be applied to your current campaign, too, so you could always send your science labs back through your planets to pick up the slack if you want to save a copy of your game now and then just come back to your copy when you later look at it.  Thanks for doing that!

Edit: quick question, how exactly do shields function?  I know what they tend to do in games, but I'm not certain in this one.

Are you referring to shields on all ships, or to force fields as a separate unit?  A lot of people mix the two terms, but there are the links with explanations.  My guess is that you really mean shields, and the explanation for that is long and a little complex, but hopefully helpful.  Let me know if you have any more questions on it after reading the mini-guide entry.

Edit 2: I just managed to duplicate my earlier Cutlass scenario, and this time they're fighting fine.  How odd.

Well... I guess that's good, overall.  Maybe there was something else that was causing the strangeness before, some other very unusual factor or something.  Oh well, let me know if you keep seeing it intermittently or something.

Edit 3: 50%!  I've got a space dock in their territory, so just building anything I'm not at the cap of yet.

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Offline freykin

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #25 on: June 08, 2009, 09:22:42 pm »
I just noticed that my research ships can gather knowledge even if I don't own a system.  I'm guessing that's intended, but I just realized I've got 4,000 more knowledge than I thought I did *headdesk*.  Time to research some bombers and get this place down, even though it's at 25% now.

I was referring to shields, thanks for the link :)

I just had a different sort of stopping issue with them happen.  I had a fleet of them going through a hostile system towards my offensive front against that core command station, and some ships attacked them on the way.  They for some reason completely stopped moving, even though there wasn't any tractor beams nearby, and they had orders to continue on through the next wormhole.

Edit: another thing I should mention, I'm playing on Normal, not Fast and Dangerous.

Edit 2: the above mentioned Cutlass thing is happening consistently when they are moving through hostile planets and ships get close enough to hit them.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 09:27:51 pm by freykin »

Offline x4000

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #26 on: June 08, 2009, 09:27:46 pm »
I just noticed that my research ships can gather knowledge even if I don't own a system.  I'm guessing that's intended, but I just realized I've got 4,000 more knowledge than I thought I did *headdesk*.  Time to research some bombers and get this place down, even though it's at 25% now.

Yep, that's what I meant by "steal" some knowledge.  :)  You know, maybe I'll just leave the knowledge caps alone for now, you seem to not be too impeded if you were to capture enough planets, etc rather than just rushing the enemy.  I don't want to make it too easy, but I don't want it to be frustrating either.  I'll leave it alone for now, and get more data from more players to see if I need to make a change with the knowledge.

I was referring to shields, thanks for the link :)

np. :)

I just had a different sort of stopping issue with them happen.  I had a fleet of them going through a hostile system towards my offensive front against that core command station, and some ships attacked them on the way.  They for some reason completely stopped moving, even though there wasn't any tractor beams nearby, and they had orders to continue on through the next wormhole.

That's interesting.  Maybe that's what was happening before.  I'll look into it, it sounds like they stop for some reason when being hit (but I guess not always).
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Offline freykin

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #27 on: June 08, 2009, 09:29:20 pm »
After noticing the knowledge thing, that really changes it.  I would have had Mk II and Mk III bombers there as well if I had noticed it earlier, so I think the current amount is most likely fine.  I've taken it down now, now all that's left is to find the other one! :D

Offline x4000

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #28 on: June 08, 2009, 09:32:17 pm »
After noticing the knowledge thing, that really changes it.  I would have had Mk II and Mk III bombers there as well if I had noticed it earlier, so I think the current amount is most likely fine.  I've taken it down now, now all that's left is to find the other one! :D

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Offline x4000

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Re: Prerelease 1.005G now available.
« Reply #29 on: June 08, 2009, 10:55:43 pm »
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