I don't have a set of discrete criteria for my 10/10 games. I just evaluate based on whether or not something jumps out as unbalanced, or I have a lot of little things in my favor without a corresponding negative.
I suppose I should try a 5.071 game before I can demand further buffs, but I think the solution to the 10/10 "problem" will lie in beefing up the HWs.
About cheese: there is a very fine to nonexistant line between cheese and good tactics/strategy. Any definition of the distinction is bound to be either insanely complicated, self-contradicting, or vague.
Prefering "vague" I give my personal isCheese(tactic) function:
If it makes the game easy, or goes far beyond the intended scope of play then it is cheese.
No, I really cannot be much more specific, though I could give a long list of examples for things I consider cheese or not.
One not-cheese example that stands out, however: Finding new tactics from ship combinations and using them.
This is a very important part of the strategy and fun of this game, and one of the big reasons it is my favorite computer game ever.