If only the game were open source, then a nice "your more than welcome to implement the changes yourself" would be appropriate.
In my opinion, if the game were open source people would have killed it by now. Not enough programmers understand the type of AI that I've implemented (which is rather unique), and not enough are going to understand
desyncs. And the fact that a lot of very smart programmers also don't understand why the simulation can't be split out in a nonlinear fashion (it would make synchronized multiplayer impossible, which is not a concern for games like Quake 4) also would make it pretty much collapse under its own weight, I think.
This isn't a slight on anyone, but working on a game like AI War is far from a casual programming experience, and it is far too easy to break something unintentionally when making a change. And programmers have to not only have a detailed knowledge of synced networking models and other technical things that most programmers (who have not already coded an RTS specifically) wouldn't have a reason to know, along with a detailed knowledge of the game design and code architecture itself, in order to make meaningful contributions.
When Keith first started working with Arcen, he already had about 8 months of play experience with AI War, so knew the game very well. We then spent about 6 hours walking through the code and architecture, discussing the overall layout and how to avoid desyncs in this specific model, and so forth. Then he started working, and the first week or two had a ton of questions as he was still getting up to speed. Then, after that period, he was really ready to do more things on his own without my having to review every bit of code. And I've trained half a dozen programmers on various software architectures in the past, so I can say with confidence that Keith was quite a quick study from my experience.
Most games that are multiplayer -- shooters, etc -- have a certain kind of complexity to their networking that
I don't fully understand at the moment from a nuts-and-bolts level, but that tends to be very isolated in network classes from what I can tell, which is awesome. In an RTS, as you can see from the linked article above, the networking requirements alone pervade the entire structure of the program. This sort of problem is not limited to AI War -- I personally wouldn't want to go try and program on anyone else's RTS, either, as I'm sure I'd mess it up severely unless I took the needed time to get a really solid grasp on there code architecture.
Or, let me put it another way: at a lot of AAA studios making synced-network games, they have at least one network programmer who is well-versed in desync avoidance, etc, whose job it is to review all of the other professional programmers' work and then yell at them and fix their code when they inevitably introduce desyncs.
At any rate, at some point when I abandon AI War hopefully a decade or more from now, the game will become open source then. But the only way it will survive any post-Arcen updates is if a few very knowledgeable programmers (about the game and programming in general) act as sort of quality control guardians, as happens with the Linux kernel.