Author Topic: Hello everone ^_^  (Read 5699 times)

Offline zoutzakje

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2012, 08:20:07 pm »
not entirely. You need to leave at least 1 bordering warp gate alive. If you kill them all the waves can come from anywhere and you won't know about it. But if you leave 1 alive, all the normal waves will come from that one. Keep in mind that the AI has more things that are considered warp gates. Warp Gate guardians are one of them though it's very possible you haven't seen them yet. The other ones are AI Eyes... I'm sure you've seen a few of those already. If you want to have the power to decide where the waves will come from, those things have to die as well.
Of all of these, Warp Gate Guardians are the only ones that can respawn over time (though that doesn't happen very often and you usually get a warning when it does). The regular warp gates and the AI Eyes will stay dead once you killed them.

When a CPA has spawned, keep an eye on your threat count. By hovering your mouse over the threat bar in the top of your screen, you can see what planets have the most threat ships. Threat basically means AI ships that have decided to leave their guard posts and are ready to attack you very soon. High numbers of threat have to be dealt with or you'll be in serious danger. Knowing where the threat is currently stationed can give you an idea of where you will be attacked soon. If you have not scouted an AI world, you will not know if there is any threat on it. One of the reasons why scouting is so important.

Hope this helps a bit =)

Offline Hearteater

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2012, 09:03:45 pm »
On Warp Gates: Killing them only prevents WAVES from attacking you.  Those are announced and give you 2-3 minutes warning.  But if you've annoyed AI ships, they can attack you anywhere.  At the top of your screen you'll see a number under THREAT.  This is the number of AI ships you've annoyed and that are actively looking to attack you.  They don't care about Warp Gates at all.  And like zoutzakje said, always leave one Warp Gate next to one of your planets somewhere.  If the AI can't find any Warp Gates next to you, it gets mad and generally does stuff you don't want it to :) .

Offline Dezdanova

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2012, 10:02:18 pm »
OOOH, i see i see ^_^  thanks again you two, I started a new game I'm trying all this stuff out on ^^ though i almost died pretty early on XD i was able to save myself by building half a dozen forcefields and move them in and out to get repaired while my HBC =P where trying to clean up the huge amount of hybrids, and bombers on my homeworld

Though i started that map with 6 attaching systems to my Homeworld i dont know if that makes it harder, i figured it would give me more places to go early on, anyways XD thanks again

It does seem though that I'm halfing troubles keeping the Ai progress lower then 100 :0 its already up to 229 atm
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Offline Aklyon

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2012, 10:57:01 pm »
Oooh, Hybrids. Rather difficult little buggers by default from what I've read of them, haven't really wanted to play with them yet.

Offline Dezdanova

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2012, 12:46:05 am »
Hello  Aklyon, lol yes they can be XD i find they dont hit hard they just got a lot of health and are annoying =P
In that same game I'm stuck again XD theres some dyson sphere, spawning a line of death to my home planet, and i dont know how to stop it :O i cleared out the planet it was on
But i still get the message a strange device somewhere in the galaxy is distrupting the dyson sphere, does that mean i need to hunt this thing out somewhere >.<
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Offline Dezdanova

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2012, 01:25:29 am »
XD well either way i lost that game i think the game cheated me it was jealous of my talent and had to cheat =P that dyson sphere had something called a Bot-net golem, which i had to take, repairing made me pretty broke XD and it jumped my Ai progress to new heights
Sadly it didn't stop the Dyson, so i brought the golem to my homeworld, to help defend while my fleets where out doing stuff, which is where it all failed =P i had about 22 dyson gatling things come to my homeworld just as i got attacked by almost 2K Neinzul Youngling Vultures =P needless to say botnet golem was a whole lot of no help, and they trounced me pretty good there

XD oh well next game! I think i might turn off the dyson sphere this time though
choo choo I'm a train!

Offline LaughingThesaurus

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2012, 01:42:44 am »
If you own the Dyson Sphere planet, it will spawn ships to attack you mercilessly until you or the command station on the Dyson planet are dead. If the planet is owned by nobody, the Dyson sphere is your friend. If the planet is owned by the AI, then the Dyson Sphere hates everybody. So, if you just 'free' the Dyson Sphere, then you actually get a pretty awesome ally to help defend you.

Offline Dezdanova

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2012, 01:49:16 am »
Oooh, i was trying to free them :O they just wouldn't let me! I'm not to sure what was going on i killed the Ai off the planet and they where still pretty hostile, after i died though when it revealed the whole galaxy to me one of the planets far off had something called a Dyson Converter on it, i think that was what was causing it mabye?

If not the world with the Dyson sphere, had some asteroid on it that where red named to me.... 0_o mabye they where the problem I'm not to sure really
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Offline Oralordos

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2012, 01:52:09 am »
Yeah that Dyson Converter comes from the advanced hybrids. Something to watch out for if you have both factions on at the same time.

Offline LaughingThesaurus

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #24 on: November 21, 2012, 02:13:19 am »
Well another thing about the Dyson Sphere, the Gatlings don't change disposition. If you've generated a lot of enemy-to-player Gatlings, then you scrap your command on the Dyson planet, those will all still exist. If you let a lot of ally-to-player ones spawn, then make a command station, then  the ally to player ones will stick around till they're killed eventually. I think.
I don't know anything about Hybrids, so I'll let others field that one.

Offline Dezdanova

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #25 on: November 21, 2012, 02:32:05 am »
Oooh it was those advance hybrids! I was wondering what it was up to well lame =P i think next time ill have to disable them intill i get crazy good.
Hmm ya i had a lot of enemy gatlings XD like between the 3 planets they had to jump to get to my homeworld if you added them all up it was a bit above 70

Also on a side note i might be trying a Coop game tomorrow :3 sooooo who knows how that will go!
« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 02:34:13 am by Dezdanova »
choo choo I'm a train!

Offline zoutzakje

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #26 on: November 21, 2012, 07:03:12 am »
getting that botnet was a good choice though. Botnet can not shoot at anything that is immune to reclamation, but it can shoot at any other mobile military ships. All the ships it destroys turn into zombies which patrol your connected planets and help you defending. If you use the botnet right, the zombies it creates can take care of pretty much your entire defense. The botnet is an awesome wave stopper. But yeah, the botnet can't zombify neinzul younglings so no surprise you felt he was useless.

About the hybrids... yeah they're a pain in the ass. I refused to play with them until I had beaten my first dif 7 and I'm glad I made that choice. The botnet is also completely useless against them. And if you have Advanced hybrids and the Dyson Sphere on at the same time, the Advanced hybrids will eventually start to try to corrupt the dyson Sphere, which you really don't want to happen.

As for the Dyson Sphere. The moment you have scouted the planet with the Sphere, it will start sending out ships that hate everybody. Good to clean out some AI worlds, but it can make things hard on you too. Delete the scout and the Dyson Sphere will stop sending out those Dyson Gatlings. Kill the AI Command station on that planet to free the Dyson Sphere, causing it to create friendly Gatlings. Those will just patrol around your connected planets and kill any AI ships on sight. If you desperately need something on the Dyson Sphere world (like the Botnet Golem), capture the planet and immediately delete your command station there after you've build it. Then the Botnet is yours to repair and the Dyson Sphere will spawn friendly Gatlings again. If you leave your command station there alive, the Dyson Sphere will hate you and spawn Gatlings that only attack you (or any other players).

Both the Botnet and Dyson Sphere can be used to your advantage. Combined they can make an almost unstoppable defense.

Good luck ^^

Offline Hearteater

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #27 on: November 21, 2012, 10:04:56 am »
Wow, you are playing with a lot of options turned on.  That makes the game much crazier.  Sounds like Hybrids+Advanced Hybrids, Dyson Sphere and Botnet Medium at least.

Just some comments on the Botnet and such:

Botnet does a TON of damage.  So much, that you can often leave it under a Force Field and it will still kill anything it attacks despite having reduced damage for being under a Force Field.  This helps keep the Botnet alive.  In particular, this tactic is very strong when you are using the Botnet to protect the planet a wave is hitting.

On the Golems, Spirecraft and Botnet settings: These each have 3 settings, Easy, Medium and Hard.

This just gives you new toys and no disadvantage.  It is an excellent way to learn each of the settings.  You still need to find the toys to use them.  Golems and Botnet (which is a type of golem) just need to be repaired as you've seen.  Spirecraft are built from Asteroids that appear randomly in systems (but only when you have them turned on, so if you don't yet, you won't have seen any of the asteroids).

For Golems and the Botnet, these trigger an AIP increase when you repair them, and they cost a lot more Energy than on other settings.  Spirecraft are a little different on this setting: They can't be repaired...ever.  Since there are a limited number of asteroids in a game, your supply of Spirecraft is limited.

This is like the easy setting, but the AI gets to send a big nasty wave called an Exo Wave (for Exo-galactic meaning "from outside the galaxy") that can have some extremely big and nasty ships.  If you turn all three (Golems, Botnet and Spirecraft) on Hard, the AI gets to send THREE Exo Waves!  This will hurt a lot.

So, when selecting what you want to play with, try and avoid HARD until you've gotten more experience in the game because you really want a handle on everything else before you start dealing with Exo Waves.  Both EASY and MEDIUM are good choices for learning about each of these factions.

Offline Dezdanova

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #28 on: November 21, 2012, 02:33:32 pm »
Thanks for the info you all XD i assumed bot net golem would be awesome or atleast for the amount of energy i had to pump into him, luckly i just finished building that zenith energy thing before finding him, though funny enough he totally did help in that case for what i was fighting =P

Yes Heart i had a lor a optinions XD turned on i figured it would make the game funnier, i did pretty much everthing all the golems on medium, i just ignored the stuff that roamed, and that fallen spire one i think which sounded like a alternate way to win.

I wish i new about those advance Hybrids before =P sounds like i found the jackpot i might of won that game with the dyson and botnet, if the computer didn't put me down :O the Golem on hard sound crazy who would do that XD i cant think of a single one i would want to even try to fight

Also i started a new game, i havent done a lot in it, but theres some Exo-Galaxy Wormhole really close to my base, i don't really know what it is, but its owned by a computer, and says enemys can come out of it, or something needless to say should i just restart XD
I put a ship on my command center, with a 9700 range shot, and the hole is just in its range XD it just sounds like bad news bears.
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Offline Aklyon

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Re: Hello everone ^_^
« Reply #29 on: November 21, 2012, 03:07:06 pm »
Fallen Spire is fun. Difficult, but fun.