Please tell me that like reinforcement logic it has a maximum cap? Because yeah 60 is about the minimum number of planets I kill. Even keeping the AIP floored the AI gets a ton of unlocks and always seems to get a few nasty toys. Including toys that the FS have to take seriously.
OK, I'm having a hard time making "taking 60 planets" and "keeping the AIP floored" exist in the same mental universe... I assume you're playing Fallen Spire or something, so you mean AIP floored by the standards of a high AIP game?
Spire Civilian leaders, and LOTS of raiding. I play with Full View so I know where they are at right from the start, as well as DCs and CPs. I go after them as soon as acceptable, making sure by every 30-45 min mark I've hit every command station I can to free those. This minimizes the AIP gain from them while maximizing the AIP reduction. Once you hit 3 free Civilian Leaders you're gaining 7 for 9 reduction. It only get's better from there. I take my time, make sure I am ready to expand and can defend off attacks. I try to limit taking planets to only those needed to free Civ leaders until I have my first Spire City Shard. Build it right on the wormhold leading to my HW, use 1 Habitation Center and 5 Reactors. that is 6 Shields, 12 Heavy Beam Mods, 24 Laser Mods, and Photon Cannons. All backed up with a MKIII Military Station. Once that is up and running normal waves are mostly meaningless, they just become threatfleet. They want in, they have to go through my new front gate. Exos can be held at bay with extra defenses and my mobile fleet. Once the 2nd city is up, its 1 Hab and 5 Shipyards.
This starts the FS fleet rolling, at which point raiding becomes less sneaking in and more send the FS fleet into the AI's teeth and neuter every single planet in my path. Again, taking the time to NOT kill command stations until either another tick of reduction comes along. Every time they clear out a system, I use MK III Engies and repair damage while MK Is are with the shipyards rebuilding any lost ships. The deeper the FS fleet neuters, the deeper I can raid with sneaker tactics. Once it is time to expand deeper, I push the front line up. Sometimes, especially if the Trader comes to a planet which would be ideal for my new front line, I push hard and fast, dealing with the rapid AIP gain as best as I can, but it is usually well worth it. A front line City backed by P-Booster, P-Inhib, BHM, and an OMD, especially if I've reached 5 Cities and have the Galactic Capitol tech, can weather out almost any storm.
Its a long, SLOW process, and rather easy to get yourself killed. I use 300% Econ to prevent any issues on that front, and run at ultra low caps so the game doesn't lag out too bad, but I rather enjoy myself. When it fails, it fails epicly. Massive exos backed by giant threatfleet build up can easily steamroll if you're not careful or don't have defenses up in time. But when it works? It is a thing of beauty. An ever expanding Human-Spire Empire, slowly but surely reclaiming the galaxy from the AI. Powerful Spire Capitol ships tear through AI threatballs like wet tissue, then go on to shred AI world after AI world with gleaming photon lances and massive beam cannons. All the while the Alliance is defended by Human Military bases protected by the shields and weapons of Spire Cities. The latter providing the defense and some extra firepower, while the former amplifies the output of Spire weapons while adding powerful turrets and deadly fortresses of their own. And if the threatball is too big for the FS fleet (rare but does happen a few times) or the fleet is being rebuilt for some reason? (F*&K Nuke Eyes! I've had to scrap entire FS fleets rather than lose something valuable) An EMP Warhead, a Botnet Golem and a whatever other golems I've found (Widows work best) make VERY quick work of most threatballs, turning AI weapons into either scrap, or my own roaming protectors.
It's also why I like Champions, nebula too. It gives me a new raiding toy, and the nebula give me something to do while I wait for exos to arrive/the next hour to tick over. Also Super Terminal hacking helps a lot as well. While the response can get down right insane, (I've seen it get worse than my FS exos) my defenses are just as crazy. On a somewhat related note, is it really necessary for the Super Terminal to raise the AIP floor still? It now costs Hacking Progress per tick, and once started you can NOT stop unless you blow up the terminal, preventing you from ever using it again. (Actually destroying the terminal became impossible for me in one game, simply because the response had become so crazy I couldn't reach the damn thing. Zombies with tachyon beams REALLY make it hard to slip in, especially when being spawned in the hundreds.)