So, I have heard many complaints about spawner ships in AI hands being a bit...crazy, despite when in human hands, they don't seem to be too unreasonable. (Spawner ships being Spire blade launchers and Tackle drone launchers)
Aside from a possible bug in the game seed logic letting them get too many at game start (see linked thread below),
the AI is paying for them properly based on their low caps, so why is this?
Reposting from another thread
Anyways, I have been wondering about these "spawner" units, and I think I realized something. Due to the nature of spawner units (Spire blade spawners and Tackle Drone Launchers), their net "utility" goes up faster than linear over the number of spawners. This means that the AI paying the properly scaled costs due to their low ship cap, especially past normal cap, still isn't enough; it would still be giving the AI too much and making it pay to little as they get over cap, as each additional "spawner" over cap gives even more return for their cost.
Maybe do something like what was done for the Zombard, increase the "cost" of spawner units for the AI? Yea, that won't fix it truly, as that point where they get increasingly "more bang for their buck" would still happen (it will always happen eventually so long as their count isn't capped AND their cost is constant), but it may delay it to the point where you have a chance to reasonably fight it in the early to mid game if the AI decides to "specialize" lots of planets to use them.
Yes, this "acceleration" of utility over ship count can happen with any ship type, but tends to come earlier with lower cap ships, and even earlier still with spawner type ships.
So, in addition to the change I mentioned above (increase the costs to the AI), I wonder if some sort of per-planet cap needs to be reintroduced for the ultra-low ship count ships (those with <=5 cap).
Even though the AI is paying properly for them (in terms of ship cap costs), thanks to the planet "specialization" logic, it is still very possible (and in practice, likely) for them to get an unreasonable number of them on one planet, way past that "acceleration of utility" point. This is especially true because the AI is "forgiven" of "reinforcement point debt" between galactic reinforcement cycles. (Within a galactic reinforcement cycle, the AI thankfully must deal with "debt".) Either that per-planet cap idea, or have the AI's "reinforcement debt" persisted between each galactic cycle, not just within. Maybe both?
As for the Tackle Drone Launcher (TDL) iself:
I think the "annoyance factor" of TDLs hasn't really been factored into their balance. Sadly, this is tricky to balance for, as the AI doesn't get annoyed, but humans want it to be effective, but being effective means doing something that is annoying to fight, which is what happens if it gets into AI hands.
Maybe no good balance can be reached, because maybe the idea of TDL fundamentally flawed for a PvE type game? I don't know...