Author Topic: Why to hurry up???  (Read 1139 times)

Offline fiorenzospa

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Why to hurry up???
« on: January 12, 2011, 05:46:39 pm »
I'm really enjoing this game and slowly I'm starting to understand many aspects of the strategy behind it.

I use ALOT the "pause" mode to plan every move and my games last ALOT of hours.... now I wonder:

What is the side effect to play very slowly?

Is there any side effect?

The AI doesn't get stronger and stronger indefinitely over the time, correct?

I mean as far as I understood the AI is reinforcing periodically the planets under alarm till a maximum of ships per planet, correct? The more are the planets under alarms the slower the AI reach this maximum. So it is possible that trying to get planets as fast as possible doesn't leave the AI to fill up the planets in time for the next attak?

What happen if for example, I wait before any attak to reach the maxiumu number of ships I can afford? The resource are illimited so actually is a viable option...

Thanks for you comments mates!

Offline Red Spot

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Re: Why to hurry up???
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2011, 07:00:13 pm »
What happen if for example, I wait before any attak to reach the maxiumu number of ships I can afford? The resource are illimited so actually is a viable option...

It all somewhat depends on some settings and for the rest it all depends on the situation.

Lower difficulties means time has little to no meaning.
The setting to periodicly increase the AIP is ofcourse a very direct influence.

When you just became neighbour to a planet and want to conquer it as well you are often better of taking it asap after putting it on alert.
Also delaying an attack on a planet may actually mean it becomes more difficult to take later on when your AIP is higher.

Sometimes you cant afford to become much weaker, other times time is against you ...

Offline BobTheJanitor

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Re: Why to hurry up???
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2011, 07:02:22 pm »
The AI will keep reinforcing planets that are on alert, so it is better to take them now rather than wait. Any time spent on pause doesn't affect this though. And as I understand it, the AI will never cap out on ships. If a world gets too full, they will start trickling through to your world, or get packed up in carriers to be released later, both of which are bad things for you.


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