So after my long AI war break I decided to give it a go with the new version and to be honest I'm not really sure what to think.. It doesn't feel as polished to me at first glance but then again it could also be due to me being used to the old version.
One major complaint is the music.. I don't mean to offend anybody but i REALLY preferred the old soundtrack
But that aside maybe I just need to get used to the new interface/engine. I cant make a definite decision yet.
BUT: Are the armored ships supposed to be this hardcore? I want to get into the new version but when starting with or up against armoreds I quit because it almost seems they are invincible!
Am i just imagining this? Or are they meant to be this resistant and need to be taken out with special ships.
I tried to kill a single one with about 150 ships (bombers and fighter mostly) and it took so incredibly long ( i mean long) that I just quit
edit: I know they are weak firepower wise but even if that "balances" them (it doesnt seem to to me) it doesnt matter.. It just takes AGES to kill them. It really slows down the pace of the game and when playing with AI progress increases would seem to make a big difference when having the bad luck of having an enemy that uses them