hey all. I'm kinda new to these forums, but not the game itself, so i'll go straight to my 'dilema', but before i do that, let me say that new 4.+ version is really awesome, especially the fact that there's no more grind, well at least msot of it
So, I was playing my ordinary game vs 2 diff 7 eassy type AI's on 40 planet map and as about to destroy first AI homeworld - had established some defense at adjusted planet incase ships start roaming in and was mainly cutting off the guardposts alone wiat my bombers carried by transporters - had all fighters, bombers and frigates unlocked to mark 3 plus captured advanced factory, so basically i all it powerful enough fleet. At least it's what i thought untill events that occured in another 15 mins...
Just before i was preparing for second focused strike to AI home planet, i got a warning that there's upcoming 1.7k mark 2 cross planet attack - i thought: oh, what a heck - i have super fortess build (i managed to build it when resources werent used as all of my attacs so far was well focused and i didn't use to loose many ships) also 2 mark 2 and 1 mark 1 ion cannons plus some turrets at my home planet, so i presumed it will be a cakewalk, untill it actually happened....
I was really suprised that in the end i was pretty much hopeless in terms or destroyng it... heck, even 30 mark 2 tractor beams didn't help to stop them and my guess is that's because there were 200+ FF bearers in that fleet. And even ater loading saved game, with all my maxed fleet of 1.2k+ ships i still wasnt able to defend and only destroyed about 400 of 2k ships before my home commmand station went bust despite my all defenses... One issue i noticed was that all my 350 frigates (like mentioned before up to mark4) were focusing on FF alone, so did most of my bombers, not to mention that i wasnt able to stop them with my tractor beams... I mean, seriously, did i get unlucky be certain map seed, i mean spawned ship types, or was there something missing comands wise? really, That superfortress and all ion cannons was nothing in terms of defense, cause those FF soaked all the dmg... p.s i was playing on normal ship caps.
Another issues i was wondering about, is cross planet attack always random, or is there some sort of Ai logic that spawns those ships in planets that are closest to my home planet?
aNy advice or comments appreciated