Author Topic: Universal Warning settings?  (Read 1202 times)

Offline BobTheJanitor

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Universal Warning settings?
« on: January 07, 2011, 06:27:18 pm »
I see the options in my controls panel for each planet to set up a custom warning for any time X number of enemy ships are on any of my planets. I'm curious if there is some sort of universal setting I can change for this. I like having the individual planet setting for sure, it will help to protect important worlds that I want to be alerted about even if an AI dust mite happened to fly past. But some outer worlds that are not so important I may not want to go in and adjust settings on, or have to keep adjusting settings on. Since a 50 ship attack may be a huge deal in the first few minutes of the game, but beneath notice in the end game, I would have to constantly adjust the settings for each world as the game went on. If there were one slider for everything, that would be great. But I can't seem to find such a thing. (This stems from the AI launching a two world attack on me. I was just reveling in victory from pushing them back from the first world when I see that my command station on another planet was under attack. By the time I even took a look at it, it was dead. That crafty devil. But, I did feel dumb that I didn't even know that another planet was getting hit.)

Side note, since I'm on the subject of the controls, would it be possible to save some of these settings between games, like auto-FRD, or auto building power stations? It seems like some things are going to conform to my play style and I'm going to always want them on by default. No reason to have to go back and reset them every time, eh? Oh, and also why not let us go ahead and tell it to auto build some number of Mark II engineers, for example, even before we've researched it? Right now that slider is locked until you actually get that tech. Then when they do become available, they get auto built with no extra effort. I'm big on no effort. :D The laziest gamer ever.

Offline BobTheJanitor

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Re: Universal Warning settings?
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2011, 11:28:23 am »
Bumping this one time because I've now discovered my new least favorite thing, losing command stations to ships that I didn't even know were there. That's not dying to the AI, that's dying to the UI! Rather annoying. :(


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